Not Many of Us

I have been following the postings here and realised that there does not seem many in the same place as myself (selfish,or what)

I was DX in 2001 (age52) had mastectomy + chem + radio then three and a half years on Tamoxifen… Whoops then came bone mets controlled with capcitabene and then a few months free with just bone meds to keep them strong… liver mets which don’t seem to respond to anything tried cap again but tumour markers zooming upwards then EC no response put on exemestane and now awaiting onc appt tonite. But have had scan where they said liver huge… put on some steroids to no avail.

What’s next.

Anyone out there in same place love to talk

Hi wisdens

I don’t know whether you are interested but Breast Cancer Care hold a live chat session for people who have been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer between 8.30pm and 9.30pm every Tuesday evening. If you would like to talk to others in a similar situation to yourself this may be of help to you. If you are interested in attending, information can be found on the front page under ‘support for you’.

Kind regards

Breast Cancer Care

I am also HER neg but haven’t tried so many cocktails as you but slightly different as I have liver and bone mets but nothing seems to work am starting a new cocktail tomorrow vinorabline ??? Some of the others have goiven me some info which is helpful as it all sounds ok with lots of rest which I get thanks to a brill husband who does everything so that I can have enough energy to go to work part time. Hopefuly they will find some more things for you to try and slow things down and ease the breathing.

Sorry to hear your news. Sorry no bone mets just brain mets. Hope they find something to help soon.

Love Treakle.