Not my first time battling cancer

Not my first time battling cancer before I was diagnosed with breast cancer.I was 5 months old when I was diagnosed with brain cancer.All started when my mom noticed a bump on my left side of my head.Parents took me to the doctor and said cancer.First was surgery to get rid of most of the tumor and then chemo which I went through for two years.Good news was I beat it and then the bad new.Said the chemo did a number to my pituitary gland put on growth hormones until I was 15.Doctor told me I was done growing when I was 15 leaving me in a body of a 10 year old girl at 3’ 10’.I never let this hold me back and like any normal person at 43 years old now.I do drive with help of pedal extensions put on the brake and gas pedals.

Thank you for sharing Erica , you’ve been through a lot x