I was diagnosed shortly after my 35th birthday and am going to be 37 in a few days, my treatment went well, hated it but now am over it,and am eternally grateful the cancer has gone, however in the last two years ive had surgery, chemo, radio and a complete hysterectomy and am due to have my thyroids operated on for a very rare condition, which happens to be a none cancerous growth and i have been warned they are going to “slit my throat wide open” to explore! everyone thinks ive been through the worst of it all, which i have but im under so many specialists everyone just yawns when i say i have a hospital appt.
I guess i need to just pull myself together, i just feel so old emothionally and now physically
Annamarie, 2nd attempt at replying, lost the first lot. I’m not surprised you feel how you do. We’re not machines and after all the treatments etc our body has been in severe trauma. I went for a routine ct scan today (mind you since being dx, no test feels like it’s just routine…) and I felt terrible, panic attacks and all sorts. This trauma takes a hell of a lot out of us both physically and mentally, we have to take things at our own pace, and people around us will just have to respect that. I couldn’t care less if anyone’s bored of my hospital visits etc, I’d offer they take my place then see how ‘boring’ it is then!!! Sure op will go fine, take care of yourself. hugs, Pat x