Not sure if this is the right place but here goes

I was dx with breast cancer almost a year ago. Had a mastectomy and lymph node removal from my right breast. 5 weeks ago I discovered a lump in my left breast :(. I am waiting to see my oncologist on the 13 March but I am getting sleepless nights wondering if I will be going through it all again, and if I can cope. At the moment I am just walking around in limbo, functioning but not functioning at the same time. I have not said anything to my family only my partner, as they saw what I was like last time. I really just do not know what to do at the moment, I am up and down like a yoyo.
Anyway thanks for listening

Angii xxxx

Hi Angie
It is always a worry when you find something that is not quite right, unfortunately this is the ‘legacy’ that having BC leaves us with. Hopefully it is a cyst or a benign lump. However if it is more sinister it does not mean that it is secondaries, it could be a new primary which is quite different. I would say don’t worry until your appointment, but we all know that is almost impossible. Is there someone you can speak to, or call the helplines here for support?
Wishing you all the best
Nicky x

Dear Angii

As Nicky said do consider giving our Helpline a call for some support and information. They are open from 9-5 on weekdays and 9-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000.

Take care

Very best wishes

BCC Facilitator

There is a section of these forums, “Have I got secondary breast cancer?” - look at the list on the left of the page, it’s under the “Worried?” heading.

I hope that no secondaries are found! - but even if your news isn’t good, please remember that secondaries can be treated. I am currently living well more than 5 years after my diagnoses.