Not sure what test I have had still in shock

Hi folks.  Just wanting to share my experience and ask if anyone has had similar. What can I expect?  I am 56, had my third routine mammogram and was called back. I was stunned.  I have no symptoms at all, and regularly exam.  I am rather well endowed, and was expecting them to say it was a dodgy image.  Apparently in my 2013 mammon they noticed “density”, and I had been called back as it had become “brighter”. The mammogram at clinic was clearer and “promising” however, the radiographer noticed a tiny “something 2-3mm”. Couldn’t say what it was.  I am unclear if he performed a Fine needle aspiration or core biopsy.  I know I had a local anaesthetic, and he said he took 4 biopsies.  I am in a complete state of shock. Go back for results next Thursday.  I am in a complete state.  can anyone enlighten me?  Best wishes to all on the forum.

Hello Patriciamay,

Sorry you find yourself here but glad you came on for answers. You say you’re not sure what the procedure was. I have had core biopsies twice and no fine needle aspiration, but with a core biopsy there is a definite, quite loud click when they take a sample. Did you get this? I also had a local anaesthetic for this, and I’m not sure if you do with a needle aspiration. I know what a worrying and scary time this is for you, and your mind can start running away with you, but at least the best thing is being done, which is to find out if there is a problem.  Try not to think the worst - although I know how hard this is! Do you have a follow up appointment yet? If you need to talk to someone you can call the helpline on here and they will listen and advise you. Hope you get good news. Good luck x  Lily