Hello everyone. I’m a 39 year old woman and this is my first time on this forum. I went to my GP on Monday because I found a lump in my left breast. They referred me to the hospital where I attended today and had a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy. At the end of all of that, the consultant told me that the lump was nothing to worry about, but the mammogram and ultrasound had shown a small solid mass and they’d done a biopsy of that.
She told me that they rate the mammogram and ultrasound results on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being nothing suspicious and five being strong suspicion of cancer. Apparently, my mammogram was rated a 3 and my ultrasound a 4. Without coming out and saying so, I think the consultant was trying to prepare me for the fact that my biopsy is likely to show cancerous cells. I go back next Thursday for the biopsy results - one positive thing is that the consultant indicated the mass was so small that even if it is cancer it could probably be treated via a lumpectomy.
I really don’t know whether to prepare myself for the worst, or whether it really is quite possible that a solid mass with the mammogram and ultrasound ratings above could turn out to be nothing. Anyone been through something similar?
Many thanks
It would seem that different consultants have different ways of saying things. If they said it’s nothing to worry about, despite the ratings, maybe take that at face value?
I have wrestled with the impact of actual speculation. When I saw a GP at my local surgery last month about the lump I’d found, she said she didn’t think it was cancer as it didn’t move or feel like one. And so I was sure it was benign and didn’t worry about it.
So it was a surprise at the end of the tests when the surgeon said the lump looked ‘suspicious’ and I should prepare myself for it being cancer. I was angry at the time with the GP but I later realised that her speculation meant I moved house that week without worrying about whether I had cancer.
The first half of the week waiting for the biopsy result, I was sure I had cancer. But halfway through, my GP cousin, who’d had a different cancer two years ago, said that many suspicious lumps turn out to be benign and so I started thinking maybe I didn’t have cancer.
But the biopsy said I do. Again, I was annoyed with my cousin but I realised it’d got me through the rest of the week!
I can’t imagine that a consultant would be lying when they said your lump is nothing to worry about. Mine told me that lumps can, for example, be a clump of fat cells having died after some kind of trauma (bang).
Keep us posted.
Sorry, I don’t think my earlier post was very clear. The consultant said they weren’t worried about the lump, but whilst doing the investigations they had found a separate, solid mass which they were worried about. It was rated 3 on the mammogram and 4 on the ultrasound but they couldn’t say for certain it was cancer until the biopsy results. But when I asked ‘is there a high probability of it being cancer’ she said ‘well there’s definitely something there, but even if it is cancer it is small scale…’
Think I’ll have a few sleepless night until my results next Thursday, but am holding onto the thought that even if it’s cancer it has been found early.
Hi There,
I was in your position this time last year and I must admit I wasn’t told anything about it being suspicious, But their faces told me a different story…I spent the week not being able to tell myself either way although I had a strong suspicion it wasn’t good…The way I dealt with it was to feel that I was going to recieve bad news but was hoping with all my might that it was ok…It did prepare for the news I recieved, as I had be preparing for it all week. It is very difficult to advise you what to think but some professionals may feel it better to give you the figures and work it out for yourself…going by what you’ve said your results seem pretty much in the middle and they just simply can’t say for sure until the tests are done…This time spent waiting for results is undoubtedly the worst time for anyone and we’ve all been there and for everyone it is the same…Try to keep yourself busy and I hope all goes well for you when you go for results…
Best Wishes
Fiona xxx
Hi tracjay, welcome to the forums
Please feel free to call our confidential helpline for further support on 0808 800 6000, our team of specialist nurses and trained helpliners are there to offer you a listening ear if you feel it would help. The line is open 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 Sat.
Best wishes
Oh, I am sorry I had misunderstood your original post.
A specialist nurse was in the room both times I saw the surgeon. They gave me their card with their number to call if I had any questions. Did you get the same? Maybe call them if you don’t want to wait?
Hi There,
I found a lump in august and went to my GP’s who told me it was a cyst and would probably go away but to go back in a month, went back in a month and was referred but, was told i’d probably go away with anti biotics as she wasn’t worried.
When i went to the clinic i had a needle biopsy,ultrasound and mammogram, the consultant told me out right then that they were pretty sure from the findings it was cancer as the ultrasound and mammogram were showing a 5cm tumour and an eight cm surrounding area of calcified tissue (early/pre cancer cells). They did the core biopsy after that to find out what they were dealing with. I think the wait would of been hard, it gave me a week to deal with it (badly) but so the return visit wasn’t so bad.
I think every consultant is different in the initial prognosis depending on their certainty.
I think you should prepare yourself for each scenario so that at least you’ll have time to think of questions you may want to ask. I used to do that before each appointment so nothing they said would shock me.
Even if it is bad news you WILL get through it. I’ve just had my second chemo and doing fine.
I hope it goes well for you.
Debs x
hi tracy
im 41 and had cancer twice once at 37 and again at 40. the first lump felt really lumpy and i pretty much knew it was cancer but my gp said she didnt think it was anything to worry about but would refer me as my mum had been treated for BC the year before.
about 4 weeks later i had a mammogram and a week after that i went for the results… they said the mammo showed something and so did the clinical breast exam so i was sent for an ultra sound with my notes… which i read my mammo report…
impression - invasive breast carcinoma +/- lymphoedema
it was a bit of a shocker to read it in black and white… i had a fine needle aspiration and they were able to tell me that that it was cancer and got my biopsy results the following week showing it was a grade 1 BC.
the next time i hadnt even felt a lump but after my annual mammo came back suspicious i then felt it but had convinced myself it was not cancerous cos it felt smoother so was more than a bit shocked to be told it was cancerous after my ultrasound before i even had the biopsy results as my radiologist could tell straight away… got the confirmed biopsy results the following week and this time it was a grade 3 tumour.
finger crossed yours is ok, but we are all here to support you whatever the results.
Lulu xxx
Hi Tracjay
The waiting is the worst thing you can drive yourself round the bend thinking of different senarios. I found a lump went to the GP and was referred to clinic but told she didn’t think it was anything to worry about. My gut instinct told me different. I had a mammogram, ultrasound and ultrasound guided biopsy. The consultant told me it was suspicious but not conclusive. (I got my results 2 days later a small early breast cancer.) I have since had a lumpectomy and I am waiting to start treatment. Fingers crossed that your results will be good and if not the ladies on this forum are a great support. x