Not sure what to do! Please help

Hey … i bet your peeing your pants . I hate the thought of surgery . i had my wisdom teeth out about five years ago and i were terrified of the anaesthetic just a natural worrier i think looking back it were pretty silly in the grade scale of things but at that time prob the biggest thing i had to deal with (lucky me eh) he he he so i cant imagine although if i had a million £ i might opt for a breast reduction and maybe a tummy tuck…oh one can dream but will this be the last of it for you …hope so!!!.

I think i am going to do that . i might make an appointment to see my gp and just have a chat with her see what she says…

I will be thinking of you next week walking out the hospital looking like cindy crawford (what was that one can dream)

Cindy Crawford… I wish! Maybe a few weeks on though!

A chat with your GP would help - but just remember, they are general practitioners, not experts.
Hence the referral!

Gotta go to work now.


ok chick i be on in morning about 9.30 if u fancy a chin wag x x

Hi Liz

How are you doing?


Am ok thanks

I had an appinment letter through on friday for the 6th of january . So i am going to try and phone the dtr this afternoon.

and just have a chat with her…

How are you doing ? ecited and nervous i expect!

Hi Liz
Im sort of ok I think.
This operation is twisted with uncertainty like the mastectomy.
I trust my PS, and I know will give me back something I lost earlier this year.

let me know what happens with the doc!

Hi yeah will do…

When are you in friday isnt it


I no i can not physically because of confidentiality etc…

But i am sending you the biggest bunch of flowers and a huge box of the most disgustingly fattening chocolates i can find x x Just to say i am thinking of you and thank you for all the help, advise, support and just being there for me to vent at … with all my heart THANK YOU X X X

You have been a rock


Hi Liz

Thank you … I am eating an orange cream right now!

I am in on Friday for scans and markup… then in for the op on Saturday morning at 8am! I just keeping thinking past it… this time next week I will be …blah blah blah

In my email above, I meant to say that this op is not twisted with uncertainty like the mastectomy. I will come out with something positive!
Keep in touch… I will be online moaning about my scars no doubt!



Yeah will look forward to hearing from you…

I rang the doctors but they are currently moving location and i cant get an appointment for nearly 2 weeks unless its an emergency… Think a load of people just want to be a nosy at the new building. So i have not bothered making an appointment as i am not sure what she can do… I am going to leave it till January then if still no joy go and see her then…

I am thinking of you. and on sat morning i will be thinking of you… When do u come out? … or is ityet to be determined

I think thinking past it is a good idea. i bet it helps you get through the days but i also bet the closer it gets the more mixed your feelings get. just keep telling your self that your going to benefit from this so much.and are going to gain some thing important that you have lost and after this your can start to move on…

My thoughts are with you
