Not sure what to do

Hi everyone, I have read several threads and my question has probably been answered lots of times but I cannot concentrate. Any replies would be welcome.

I recently moved to France. When I registered with the Doctor here he asked if I had a mammogram because I was 51. I had my first mammogram 2 weeks ago and had an echograph after. They found a nodule and I had a biopsy last thursday. I have to wait 8 days for the results. So I am worried. The doctor that did the biopsy ( I think core biopsy) said the nodule will have to be removed either way. Is this normal to remove the nodule even if it is benign. Any answers would be appreciated.

Hi mariebees, I’m in almost exactly the same situation as you. Went for my first mammogram 12 days ago, got called back yesterday for an ultrasound and core biopsy and waiting for results - appointment next Monday. My doctor was very careful not to make any predictions about likely outcome, but I know from friends’ experiences that they quite often remove even benign nodules as a precautionary measure. I’m trying to find out as much as I can before the appointment so that I know what questions to ask, and finding this site very helpful. Good Luck

I think it’s fairly common to remove benign lumps - my consultant said my lump would need to come out regardless due to the location, as it turned out mine was indeed cancer so there was no option in the end.

Hi, thank you both for answering me, I feel sad and worried I am to get my results on friday evening. I hope the result is benign but I still dread the fact it will have to be removed. Perhaps because I am in France it seems more difficult. I had the core biopsy last thursday and today is the first day I have felt normal. Unfortunately the cover bandage was like cling fling was extremely painful. Overall, the procedure was O.K and the nurse and doctor were very gentle and kind to me but I a very nervious patient. I would love to go to my doctor on Friday and be told it is negitive and I do not need to get “IT” removed. I dread it! There is no history of cancer in my family and I think I am still in shock that I have a nodule that needs investigation.
Lilacblushes have you had the op. yet and what other treatment are they offering you? How are you coping with the news???
Bernieszu, don’t worry you will get through the biopsy. Just relax, I found the nurse explained everything and was very kind and explained what was going to happen. When the biopsy, I asked as many question as I would think off and the nurse said to try and put it out of my mind for 8 days and my results would go directly to my doctor. Friday will be day 8.
I feel positive my nodule is benign, but I still dread the fact the doctor said I would have to have it removed either way. A terrible thought!!!
Goood luck to you both. Apologies for any spelling mistakes.

Hello i have an appointment a week on friday to have my lump “aspirated” not sure if that is the same as core biosy? I had a mamogram 3 months ago that was clear but now have these lumps appeared. I do have loads of family history of breat cancer, my mum died of the disease and 3 of her sisters. I am absolutely terrified and dont know what to ask and am finding the waiting so very hard. Ic ant concentrate at work and am very close to tears all the time. feel very alone with this. Sorry to winge. Is aspirated the same as biopsy? does anyone know? The clinic letter said expect to be there a few hours and they will ty to have all results on the same day. Its Wythenshawe hospital in Manchester and I’m seeing Mr Barr. Anyone any experience of this hosp? Thanks everyone Dulcie

Hi Singinglady

You may find our publication helpful to read, it’s called ‘Referral to a breast clinic’, this can be read via the following link:

Please feel free to call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 and speak to one of our specialist nurses in confidence for further support and information. The line is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Hi everyone,

Got my results, it is benign. The doctor had not recieved the results when I went but he rang up the polyclinic and spoke to the Doctor and it is alright.
He will have the written report next week. It has been a long 8 days. Not sure if I should agree to having it removed. I will wait until I get the full report.
So Happy, so glad he said it was Not Cancer.
I have read so much in the past 3/4 weeks since this started about breast cancer that I was terrified. I know if the results were different I would have to be strong,
I am just happy this evening for a few hours to realize how good I feel.

Hi Dulcie,

I see no one answered your question about what aspiration means.

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is when they insert a needle into the breast tissue to draw sample of the cells into a syringe. It is relatively painless and they may apply a local anaesthetic to the skin first.

The other way talked of in this thread is the Core biopsy where they use a special hollow needle which has a spring loaded mechanism to draw a sample of breast tissue into the hollow needle. This procedure is done under a local anaesthetic.

I hope it goes well for you and you will let us know how you get on.


Hi Dawn

thanks for replying, I’m sorry i didnt thank you but i was in such a haze that i couldnt remeber which thread i had posted this on, so couldnt find it.

Things have moved on and I am to have a mastectomy. They think i have DCIS but will know better after surgery.

I am just in shock, i have gone from being a (normal???) woman to being hurled into a new and scary world of cancer and a whole new vocabulary.

Thanks for your answer, I relly am in emotional shock as well as the pracical issues of business / i am a freelance trainer so my business is in danger if i cant go and work.

I guess we all have these challenges, no one prepares for this sort of life shock do they?

Where are you at in your cancer journey?
