Not sure what to think!!!

Hello to you all

I have not posted now since September when i was very worried about my symptons & you were all so kind to me & really helped me through the waiting process -THANKYOU-

I had my appointment with the Drs at the hospital on Sept 22nd 2009 as I had found what i thought was a lump on my left breast with pain and leakage & nealy 4 weeks before. Anyway i was in such a mess by the time it came to see the Dr & all he told me was that i was to be reffered for an ultasound!

I was fortunate enough that my hubby paid the £90 that it cost for me to see the consultant privatly that afternoon. He did the ultrasound there. He said that i had a very big difference in the breast tissue & was more of a thickening but at the time could not see the lump (which he thought was just possibly a cyst)He reasured me it was fine BUT i was to take a large amount (1000mg or somthing) of Evening Primrose oil caps evrey day and this should help with the pain!
So off i went more than happy that all was fine & i would just have to see him again in 3 months time.

I saw my consultant yesterday! & He is now worried that the Evening Primrose Oil has had no affect. & that i have to have a Mamogram (I’m only 34) He also prepared me that because of the thickening i may be called back for a 2nd mamogram. But that he wants to see me the week after the 2nd (if needed) Here goes with the waiting again!

Can anyone tell me how long it normally takes for a mamogram appointmet…Roughly???

Thanks again for being here - it makes a difference.

Hannah xx


The mammograms I have had have either been routine ones or because I have been referred by my GP, when I found a lump. In that case, the hospital appointment was within two weeks and the mammogram was done on that day.

So, I would think that you would receive an appointment within the next week or two. I suppose it depends on how busy they are, but I had the impression that they book in everyone who needs one, in order to comply with the two-week target, no matter how many there are. Be prepared for a long wait on the day, though - unless you are having it done privately again, in which case I imagine you won’t wait so long.

Good luck!

Ann xxx

Hi Ann
Thanks for you reply!
No - This time I can’t go privatly!! (that was a one off)
So you recon 2 weeks. Ok!

Does anyone no if it is normal to tell the patient that they will probably need to have a 2nd mamogram ??

It is also playing on my mind so much what he said!! - (His words were) “hmm - I am now worried” when i told him that i was still getting the pain after 3 months of evening primrose (he said this after the examination!

Going out of my mind! Didn’t get dressed till 3pm & never took kids to school. Stupid really…

Sorry sure i am making more of it than i should (& hubby won’t even talk to me about it!) MEN!!! Says I am worring about nothing.

Hannah =(


If you are that worried, ring your consultant and find out how long you will have to wait for the mammogram. At least you will know then. Alternatively, is there a breast care nurse at the hospital you can discuss it with? She may be able to find out if you have actually been booked in. With this snow and ice, I am only just receiving hospital letters sent on 4th Jan. You don’t want to miss the appointment!

Good luck. Ann x

Hi Hannah
Sorry you are having a worrying time. Drs will often tell women that they may need a 2nd mammogram if they think it may be hard to read. As you have a thickening in your breast (which is normal in younger women) it can be hard to see if anything is wrong. I think it is an awful problem for Drs as they get critisised for “frightening” women by preparing them for any possible bad news. On the other hand, others are upset if there seems to be a change in what was said/thought previously.
Unfortunately, there is no way you can wave a magic wand and stop worrying. It’s one of the hardest things in the world to do. Try to take one day at a time and concentrate on your children and family and take Ann’s advice about ringing to find out what is happening. Good Luck and let us know how you go on.

Thanks Margret & Ann,
Have called the hospital today to b told that my appointment has not yet been prioitized (sorry about spelling) & that they may get it back next week! So i asked the normal waiting time to be told that it could be between 2 & 5 weeks form today untill i am seen!

Have been waiting on the post every day not only for me but my 13 year old daughter is waiting for an urgent referal to a specialist orthopidic hospital just to be told the same by them could be another 6 weeks! (my day is not getting better)

I shall stop moaning and get on with it!!! Thanks again

Hannah =) xx