November 2017 Chemo Starters

Hi Millie
Sorry you’re feeling so grotty from the outset, looking at the October thread it does seem to come on straight away or give you a few days respite. We are all different, and I’m guessing the pesky drugs pick up on this and have there merry way with us all!
Hang in there, im sure you’ll get lots of hints and tips before the day is out ??

Morning Milliemoo very sorry to hear you have had a tough night :heart:
I am popping in and out from the October thread. I also reacted straight away on the day of chemo and was sick by the evening. Definitely watch how you go and speak to your gp or chemo team early. There are lots of options with the antisickness drugs and antireflux drugs and you might need yours tweaked. Several of us have had ours changed during cycle 1 and are going to have changes for our chemo 2.

I also had the coldcap and headache lasted about 24 hours, but did get better.

Hope you feel better soon. I did find that eating small amounts little and often helped with the stomach ache and nausea. Take care :heart: Ruth

Morning ladies,
And welcome to all new ladies x
Sorry I lost a day there to the sickness but had a great night and currently holding down tea and toast :0)
Heading for a shower mmmmmm and hopefully fireworks display tonight xxx
Otter hope your feeling better x
Wishing a great day to all October and November ladies.
Thanks a million you great bunch x

Meesh good advise to nov thread on botty dept tips. I’ve been starting on day 2 after chemo with couple of tablets and keep the fluids up ladies, also we had that tip about the prunes too from another kind lady from another thread. Wishing all November ladies ??:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:for safe chemo journeys and hope all se’s eases off for you. Love shi xx

To those of you who have had actual sickness first round, let your oncologist know before round 2 because they can give you different meds. Nausea is a given but actual sickness can largely be prevented. It’s easier to stop it coming on than to stop it once it’s happened, so if you are feeling like you will actually vomit ring your alert number. I was sick first time round when I had Ondansetron and metaclopramide. I had Emend the second time, it’s a 3 capsule course. One double strength one with chemo and a half strength one every 24 hours afterwards. I still felt very nauseous but was able to control it by eating little and often. Toast, fruit bread, crackers and an omelette and some fish with a few veg. Much as eating is the last thing you want to do and you probably won’t fancy anything at all, it really does help. Fortunately for me my husband loves cooking and takes it as a challenge to find things that I will eat! I find if it’s put in front of me I can usually eat at least something but if I had to get it myself I just wouldn’t. Goes without saying too that if you do fancy something odd just go with it anything is better than nothing. Be warned though that anything you eat in those early days you will go off big time so I would advise that you stay away from absolute favourites.
Rest up ladies it gets considerably better after about day 4 and by day 8 or so you will feel ok again.

Might be worth getting her to make a couple of small tasty things that could be very easily reheated for when you need to eat. Soup is pretty easy to get down plus helps with hydration. It’s amazing how much better you feel if you eat real food.

Hi Otter,
It’s soup I’ve been eating. With garlic bread last night with an I’ve lolly before bed :0)
Soup and toast at lunch and going to have soup tonight with a little pasta bake.
Hope you feel better soon. x

They’re all very quiet which could be a good sign that they are all enjoying their weekend or a bad sign that they’re all in bed asleep. Having said that sleep is good. I wish I could just sleep through the first 4 days.

I’m here too ? reading everything and trying to catch up with your positivism but I feel numb - can’t do anything, can’t think anything good, just big blah :frowning:
Going to the hairdresser’s in a minute to get my short hair shorter; I’m not cold capping so getting ready :slight_smile: for Tuesday
My 12 yrs daughter is not coping well :frowning: been off sick a few times already since my diagnosis, texts me every single day from school saying that she’s feeling sick :frowning: when I tried to talk to her she said she worries about me more when she can’t see me :frowning:
Have a nice evening lovely ladies :heart:

Anadan, it sounds like both you and your daughter could do with talking to someone. There are lots of counselling services out there. My BC nurse offered me a general welfare thing can’t remember the details but it was through MacMillan I think. Your daughter possibly needs to hear positive messages from someone professional. Can the school help her at all? I think that there is support out there for her age group.

Hi Abadan I am one of the October ladies x my 7 year old also gets quite anxious when she can’t be near me at the moment. Her school offered a key worker for some counselling which seems to be helping so worth asking about that if you haven’t already? It is so hard but sometimes the waiting is the worst and once it gets started and it isn’t so unknown you might get a chance to settle into a bit more of a rhythm as a family. Wishing you so many good thoughts as you go forward. :heart::heart::heart:???:sparkles::sparkles:???:sparkles::sparkles:
I also did the nesting thing big time - it is definitely normal XX

Sorry Anadan - phone fingers!

Anadan, sorry to hear you are struggling but we are all here to support you x

My daughter is 12 too and has been and istill is struggling. She was particularly worried over the hair loss but now thatvivam almost bald she said ivwill look funny when i have hair!! I contacted my daughters school just so the knew in case she got upset at any time…they have been brilliant and she has chatted with the pastoral support person. She is doingcwell now


Hi Anadan and Ruth.
They say kids are so resilient and they are, however it’s hard to have the kind of conversations with our kids regarding all that comes with C.
The breast centre nurse gave me a lovely book to read and explain C to my 6 year old daughter…all was going fine until i got to the part where the mum loses her hair. She just got so upset and asked me to stop reading…i felt terrible.
Slowly over the past 4 to 6 weeks she asks questions about when it will happen and I have bought some cool hats which I have started to wear around the house…i think it’s helping all the kids get use to the fact it may happen.

I started chemo on Nov 1 and each day I wake up I look at my pillow wondering if today is going to be the day. Im still so confused on how to feel about losing my hair!!!
Looking on the bright side though…after having long hair all my life, I quite like having short hair (I did the transition cut a weeks ago) and it so much easier!!!

Thinking of you today November ladies x

Morning everyone :relaxed:

I was diagnosed back in May with the early stages of bc and had a mastectomy in July as I had areas of calcium that had started to turn pre cancerous.  I was hoping that may have been the end with just some reconstructive surgery. It turned out that the cancer had turned to grade 3. I then had the oncotype dx test, but the results didn’t come back until the end of September.  I was borderline but  my surgeon recommended chemotherapy  - so here I am.

I had my first of six FEC-T’s on Friday pm, so far not too bad. I have dipped into October  thread and picked up advice. I have been taking my anti sickness meds as instructed and only feel slightly nauseous,  have sucked on some frozen pineapple and am drinking ginger tea. A few hours after taking the steroid tablets my face appears to get a bit flushed.

My chemo unit doesn’t offer the cold cap so have been warned about hair loss - possibly around day 10, so in preparation  have had my hair cut twice. I haven’t had short hair since I was about 17 so am embracing my inner 17 year old!!

My youngest daughter,  17,  has been finding it difficult to discuss my situation with her friends but she has a very good school  councillor. My daughter has put herself in charge of nail painting & make up - could be interesting!!

It’s been great and encouraging reading all your posts this morning and I wish you all well on your journeys. 

Sorry this is a long post but I wasn’t sure where to start and where to end.

Thank you lovely ladies :heart::heart: you’re really really helping me here. I think, my daughter, as well as me feels very lonely in the situation. I know she told about me to a couple of her best friends, the school knows and they are doing what they can - she has a pass that allows her to leave the classroom whenever she needs to, but the truth is that she received the news about my BC a few weeks after she got the news that I and her dad were splitting up. It was like a double blast and her world has shaken. All family lives abroad, she doesn’t have a strong resilient adult around her to support her at the moment. We have only each other xx

On the bright side :slight_smile: we’re going shopping now and going to have a fab day :slight_smile:

I’m going for blood tests tomorrow to check the infection’s gone and I’m ready for chemo on Tuesday xx

It’s sunny out here :sunny: hope the sun brightens up your day too xxx

Have a lovely shopping day ? and enjoy the sunshine ?

Hello JC, please write here whatever you feel like for however long you want :slight_smile: it helps when you get it off your shoulders :slight_smile: (I’ve just had a confession myself :slight_smile: )

Fmb, where do you get your cool hats? I want some cool ones, but none are cool enough ?

Morning Ladies
Just popping in to welcome JC to the group? Sounds like you’re doing well. Just take it easy over the next few days.
Anyone having the gscf injections?
Anadan, I also split from my partner during chemo. Very difficult for my kids, and very difficult for me, but we got through it. We too often going girly shopping for a distraction…works every time!
Sending a hug to all
Sue xx

Oh, forgot to say…i got some lovely scarves off Amazon. Also, you will need a sleep cap, as unfortunately hair loss will make a mess, and it will keep your head warm.