November 2018 Radiotherapy

Hello Ladies,

I am having my planning session tomorrow at which I am hoping to get the plan for my 3 weeks of sessions.  I am hoping to finish by Christmas but have been told it may run over… am hoping that I am not juggling cooking the turkey and a visit to hospital… surely they don’t run over Xmas?   I’ve been reading all your posts and getting tips, am kind of looking forward to getting started but also apprehensive too.  I will be stocking up on Aveeno too, I already use it but will need a shed load more I think.

P.S.   just for info… I had MX in June (no recon), 6 x chemo and then ANC clearance 3 weeks ago so this will be the last leg (hopefully)…



Hi everyone, just checking in again, great to hear how you’re all doing. #5 tomorrow. Still feeling a bit chilly in the room, I was told I could bring a jumper to pop over the top of my legs which I did, but I chose my lovely thick fleece which was too big and prevented the camera from spying on my breathing block - so, thin fleece today, worked well, everyone happy.


I have found that the arm on the axillary clearance side is getting pretty numb towards the end of the session and needs a good rub and flex afterwards. Good news is that because my deep inspiration breath hold is so consistent, I only have to have X-rays during sessions once a week so it’s much quicker.


Most stressful thing so far is trying to get a parking space, I arrived an hour early just to be sure as I was driving myself today! Skin ok, using Aveeno twice daily, drinking minimum 2.5ltrs fluids. Day off on Wednesday, going to do something nice or treat myself to something I think! 

Evening ladies , I had my first Rads session this morning and pleased to say that everything went ok. I got to hospital some 33 miles away in plenty of time however hospital parking is a nightmare ! Ended up having to find on the road parking.

I was shown by receptionist how to use their online booking system which I will need to do on each visit and then head straight to the treatment waiting area where i will be called .

I was surprised how quickly they treated me , from having a brief chat with radiologist and then escorted into the radiology room . They spent a good 10 mins or so positioning me on the bed and taking digital images and then once that was completed started radiotherapy which last a few minutes.

I didn’t feel any burning or sensation whilst under .
Once completed, I slapped on Aveeno cream and got dressed and left.

I must admit I felt really tired after the treatment and then had to drive home.

When I got home, got into my PJs - had a nap . Will be off to bed soon as need to do it all over again tomorrow. My appointment tomoro is early afternoon so I can set off a bit later … hopefully I’ll get the hang of it as it will become my daily routine,

Just hope that any side effects I experience will be towards the end of the treatment, so far all good.

Hope your all doing good xx

Just checking in here to see how everyone is doing. I start on 26 November, so I shall be going once most of you have stopped I think and with 20 sessions I go up to 21 December. I shall also lurk on the December thread when it’s up. 


Mavit - I’m also going to Oxford, for me because there’s no unit in Swindon, is that the same for you?  I’m dreading the parking too. My first two weeks are morning appointments, the second two at lunchtime, so just when I’ve got used to how hard it is to find a space I’ll have new times to wrestle with. 



Hi LJ, yes I live in Swindon and doing the daily run to Oxford Churchill. My appointments have been late morning / early afternoon varies during he week. I’m on day 3 and aooointment is 1.35 pm so I’ll need to set off around 12.15 . Leave enough time to find parking space - was actually lucky yesterday I found one ! Amazing !

I was planning dropping into Maggie’s Center today which is across the road from the hospital and familiarize myself with the drop in center

My last Rads session is 7 Dec . I’m on day 3 and already feel fatigue slowly kicking in and I’m keeping myself well hydrated … I don’t have any pain or sensation in area being treated however that may change as I progress further into my treatment.

I hope it all goes ok for you - keep us updated . . At least you’ve got a few weeks to prepare etc .


hi ladies just a quick update I am on day 11 of 20.  In the last day or so I have been having sharp pains in my breast a bit like after surgery, doesn’t last very long so not too bad, skin is fine at the moment just looks a bit Sun tanned. Had a wobble today, very tearful for no particular reason, could be Anastrozole effects or just the constant getting stuck in traffic jams getting to hospital every day, but I just think I am nearer to finishing than starting now so onwards and upwards, hope everyone is doing ok, best wishes to you all.   Fezzy x

 I’m new to this so don’t know where to begin! I’ve just completed a 15 day’s of RT for Stage 2 breast cancer with 2 lymph nodes removed, luckily they were OK. I know I’m lucky in alot of respects, but struggling at the moment.

 I stayed very strong throughout most of the time since my diagnosis in early August both physically and emotionally. On day 12 last week I became an emotional wreck- couldn’t stop crying all day. Then had a few good day’s but yesterday was even worse. My treatment finished Monday.

  My friends have all been very good, but I feel bad as they phone or visit and I crumble in a heap. 

  I know everyone keeps saying it normal, but does anyone know how long this is likely to go on for? Also not sure whether it’s due to the RT or the Letrozole which I have now been taking for 6 weeks. 

  Going back to work I’m sure would be good for me, but can’t go back whilst I’m like this. I keep myself quite busy most of the time, but not sure what to do about it. Maybe I just need to accept it will go away soon and take each day as it comes.

  Coping with the tiredness is OK as I can just have a nap, it’s the emotions I’m finding the hardest part at the moment.

  Soory about all  this.

Hi CyclingSoo, sorry to hear you are feeling down.  As everyone says it is completely normal to have ups and downs, you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t.  I was diagnosed in April of this year and have had a masectomny , chemo, axillary node clearance and am about to being Rads on 29th November (15 sessions).  I have had every emotion known to man and still do.  I have days when I am so positive and feel great and then out of the blue I could sit and cry for ever and usually do.  I broke down in tears at my plannig session this week, and couldn’t really place why, just felt overwhelmed, sick to the back teeth of hospitals and just needed to cry.  It does help to let it all out and I am sure your friends don’t mind, I regularly sob on my friends shoulders.   Do you have Breast Cancer Nurse you can call and talk to?  Or a Macmillan centre or similar?  We have one attached to Ipswich hopsital and they offer all sorts of counselling, therapies etc and encourage you to take them up as they are used to dealing with this sort of thing.  My Rads nurse has told me to seek help after the treatment is finished as you can feell a bit “set adrift and alone” once its all over.   There is a course run called “Moving On” which is designed to help you deal with psychology part of this nasty journey.  And please don’t be afraid to come on these forums and let out how you feel, we have all been there and will be happy to chat.

Take care



Rads ladies - what kind of creams are you using?  My rads nurse suggested Aveeno?



Hello Kip
I’m on day 4 and been using Aveeno daily moisturizing. I seem to be doing well and not applying too much cream to skin - I seem to be doing fine under Rads as I don’t feel any pain / burn or sensation . Perhaps it’s early days for me .

I haven’t used any other cream other than Aveeno so interested to know others views on this

hi Kip I am now on day 12 of 20 and have only used Aveeno just a small amount of redness today but I suppose it does depend on your skin type.  good luck Fezzy x

Aveeno it is then!  Thanks everyone

Have finished 15 sessions of whole breast Radiotherapy, and had the first of 5 breast boost sessions today, as posterior margin was very narrow. I’m feeling really tired now, my skin is mildly pink, but the 2 surgical scars are really itchy and have got very red. I’m using Aveeno and Aloe Vera Gel which I keep in the fridge. Also advised by the Radiotherapy team to use 1% Hydrocortisone sparingly. It helps, but not for long, has anyone got any other recommendations? I’m looking forward to finishing treatment, but also worried about the emotional effects hitting home then, which seems to be a common experience, just wondering how other people feel after the treatment ends? I’ve had a few tearful days, but mostly bottled it up in order to be able to carry on, which I know isn’t healthy, but I was worried that I wouldn’t cope if I let myself properly cry.

Hi Kim,  I’m feeling more teary the nearer to the end of treatment I get too.  I am hoping to get on a “moving on” course to deal with some of the emmotions, do they offer that at your hospital?



Hello everybody
I’ve not been on for a while now and just wanted to check and see how you are all doing.?

I’m on day 8 of Rads and been having good and bad days . Today felt ever so tired after my session that I needed an afternoon nap.

The hospital phoned me early this evening to tell me that the shape of my breast has changed due to the Rads so I need new scans done.

I’m a bit shocked but then I was aware that Rads can cause breast changes. I am starting to experience some pain within and twingesas such.

I need to go into hospital early morning 7.45 am to firstly have my Rads session on the current measurements etc and then have the CT scan done.
I will need to be up early at 6 tomoro to get to the hospital. Not happy :frowning:

My breast feels like it’s swollen , not a lot of redness only around the nipple area. Also have a big of itchiness around the breast and nipple area and been told to take antihistimines as well as continue to cream up.

I am feeling anxious and just hope I will be able to successfully complete Rads as I still have got another 2 weeks to go .

Not feeling too happy …

Sorry you had to have another scan Mavit, that must have been very annoying and frustrating for you. I’m 10/20 so half way now. I started seeing slight pink skin after 7 and thought oh no… but it settled down again, the main pink is just behind my armpit, back of the arm, where the rays are exiting I guess and kinda in the top armpit fold, it’s irritating due to my scar still producing because of the large bruise. I’ve had one episode of fatigue I guess, 7:30pm I crashed, couldn’t keep my eyes open and crawled into bed! I’ve been fine for the last few days though. Drinking loads as soon as I’m in the car (water!), using Aveeno straight after each session and at bed time. Walking with the dog seems to give me an energy boost. Had one emotional wobble on day 5, but fine since then and grateful the sessions are all over very quickly.  think what everyone experiences is all very normal, good to hear how others are feeling so it punctuates the normality even more. Take care all. Getting there! Xx 

I finished 20 RT sessions last Wednesday and since finishing my skin has erupted in blisters on the under side of my breast, 48 and two kids I’m not as pert as I once was! So when the skin touches the skin it is really sore. I have been back to the unit and they have been very helpful giving me non adhesive dressings and some gel to put on the raw skin. I noticed someone mentioned stabbing pains which I also have. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this and how long it lasted. Each day a new blister seems to appear.
I also notice a few of you have found you’ve been emotional during rads, I have found that too, In fact I found the whole Rt experience quite depressing. Now they have finished I still feel very up and down. I feel like I have been on high alert during 8 months of gruelling treatment and only now am I stopping and trying to take in what has happened.
All advice welcome x

Hi Helena
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I went to the unit on Monday and ifnit is no better I think I will go again on Monday. Two new blisters today.
You must have had a lot on your plate caring for your partner as well as coping with BC. I think we can go into auto pilot and deal with the immediate bit like you say there is a lot bubbling under the service waiting to rear up. I have been given a referral for counselling, I wasn’t going to contact them but having read your reply I think you are right it could be a big help.
Once again thank you for your reply, it’s very much appreciated x

Hi Helena, no the dressing is simply that, a sterile non adhesive dressing. It looks like a sanitary towel! The gel is called Intrasite gel, I don’t think either actually help the healing process the gel just keeps it moist and the pad stops my bra rubbing. I will ask about polymem when I go on Monday.
Your husband sounds great, what is it with men and gadgets?! Although the grabber does sound useful!
I have rang the counselling dept, waiting for a call back.
Thanks again for ‘talking’ x

Hi everyone, I had session 13 of 15 yesterday and also a review with the radiotherapy specialist nurse. I had been feeling quite hopeful that my skin was not going to be affected too badly but she warned that the worst is to come. Apparently about 2/3 after finishing the rads will be worst time and she expects blisters etc will appear under boob so she has advised me to get some pads from the GP and also some 1% hydrocortisone cream for itchiness. Best to be forewarned I suppose. She is going to phone me to see how I am getting on in a couple of weeks. 

I am also getting some stabbing pains but very short lived at the moment. Nurse has advised that these could happen more for a while and breast will feel very heavy. Paracetamol advised and plenty of rest and fluids of course. I have been getting some dizziness for the last day or two but nurse says this is more likely due to not drinking enough fluid rather than the radiotherapy. They are all very kind but I cannot wait to get to Wednesday so that there are no more long trips to the hospital. I am going there again today though as the breast care nurses run a monthly support group and it sounds quite jolly so I am looking forward to that. I am also being referred for counselling as the whirlwind of appointments and treatment over the last six months has meant that I don’t believe that I have really had time to accept what is happening to me yet - nurses have said it is not unusual to feel at your worst mentally/emotionally at the point treatment finishes so we will see.

Sending big hugs to you all ??