November 2023 chemo starters

Hope all went well this morning @looby2.
Just got my scan results back. Good news is no distant spread seen on Ct scan. Mri showed 1 lymph node of concern so I have to go back for another ultrasound on Friday and possibly a biopsy. Just hoping that this won’t delay the mdt meeting and that I can start chemo soon.


All went well with 1st chemo. Will see how i am over next 2 days, as thats when any symptoms kick in. Dont even feel tired as had steroids, so will probably be awake most of night.
Was there about 3 hours in total xx


I had my 1st chemo today and nothing fitted yet, but am sure will be shortly x


Glad it went ok today, hope you manage some sleeping tonight


Looby2, so sorry my predictive text changed your name to loony :roll_eyes: so sorry :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Its quite ok, feel like a loony sometimes lol. Looby was a nickname my brother used to call me as a child and it just stuck xxx

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I’m glad all went well with you. The waiting is the worst as you imagine allsorts, i know i did.
My first chemo was fine, no side effects as yet, but am sure there will be a few. Will let you know xx


Looby2 :heart: I always say chemo sent me crazy :joy:so you might be loony by end of chemo, I was ringing the bell with every nurse in there on my last one :partying_face: each time I had treatment I look at that bell and said I’ll be ringing you. The trust where I was everyone who was having treatments for all types of cancer and people were at different stages all clapped and cheered when we heard the bell ring the people in our trust were just like that :heart: like I’ve said before, hang on tight to each other, step by step you will get through and tick them off and have a treat after each one :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Hi I’m Sally. I start 4-6 rounds of chemo in 2-3 weeks. So far I have spoken to hairdresser who is on stand by to cut my long hair short, and spent a fortune on nail treatments to try to get them as strong as possible, eye makeup, ear rings and head scarves!! Thank you for the tip to get to the dentist. I will do that. I have a thermometer. Is there anything else preparation wise anyone has done please? What sort of treats after each session are you thinking? (I’ve gone into ‘to do’ mode to avoid being overwhelmed!!) best wishes to everyone. Xx


Hi I’m Sheena and I’m starting my chemo journey on 8 November - it’s good to know that I’m not alone and that I have the support of this wonderful community.


:heart: see if you can donate hair to little princes trust, lots of us have over the years :heart: treats anything you like, a new top a new lippy whatever you fancy really :heart: stay focused and take it one treatment at a time :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Thank you so much Shi - :star_struck:

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Don’t forget to book your look good feel better sessions with your trusts macmillans :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Hi Sheena, I start mine on Wednesday the 8th too. I’ve been to have my bloods taken and assessment today, I’m having my picc line fitted tomorrow and first chemo Wednesday. I wish you well with your treatment and hope it all goes smoothly for all of us. Claire x


Looks lovely Looby :heart:


Thank you. Ive been for picc line fitted today as they couldnt fit me in any sooner. Have 2nd chemo on Wednesday. My hair is thinning even now x

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Hello. I’ve seen my oncologist today and will start chemo in 21st November 2023. I had breast cancer (DCIS in Situ) 11 years ago and had bilateral mastectomy. It was quite a shock to find out I had breast cancer again. Have had lumpectomy to remove tumour. Luckily it early stage but is grade 3 and came back as 56 on thr Oncotype DX test. I’m having EC-T chemotherapy. I wish you all the very best and send love xx


So frustrating waiting for chemo to start. Mine was delayed due to the late result for HER2 which eventually came back yesterday as negative so I am Triple Negative which means 12 weeks of paclitaxel with 3 weekly carboplatin and 3 weekly pembrolizumab then I will have 4 cycles of EC with pembrolizumab then surgery then radiotherapy then pembrolizumab for another 8 cycles
Feeling a bit overwhelmed but I guess once I get started it will be easier


Hi Looby

How are you doing? I am starting the exact same treatment as you starting next Tuesday.

I am having a PAC line fitted tomorrow and am petrified, would so much rather a PICC like you.

How are you coping with side effects. Please don’t suger the pill I’d rather know what to expect. Wishing you all the best for your second session tomorrow.

Warmest regards Jax


Had picc fitted. Was fine, no pain. Have only had slight headaches since 1st chemo. Not even bad enough to take anything. Not felt sick, but had a boiled egg on toast for lunch on Saturday. Did bring the egg back up, so eggs off the menu. My hair has started to thin out. Some have said with chemo, the side effects get stronger after every one, so will let you know how i am after next one tomorrow. If you are having herceptin. Its an injection at top of leg. They have to put it in slowly and that does really sting. Going to hosy today for them to check picc and take blood. All in all good up to now. Hope your treatment goes ok xx