November 2023 chemo starters

This topic is for anyone starting chemo in November 2023 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.

You can find more info on chemo on our pages: Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now


Hi. I’m Jacqui aka Jax

I see my oncologist on Friday this week (27th October)

I have had triple HEr2 BC in my left breast. Lumpectomy completed 4 weeks ago. Margins and nodes clear.

I will have a port fitted in my neck, 12 weeks of chemo (the hair loss type) followed by 6 weeks of radiotherapy and then herceptin.

I am extraordinarily nervous as my original plan was radiotherapy but due to the aggressive type chemo it is.

I will value others going through chemo and genuinely hope that my surgeons words “it is not a bad as you imagine “ I am having my treatment in France although I am a British national.

Happy to receive and give support on this scary journey. :mending_heart:



I start my chemo in 2 weeks. Just having a bone and CT Scan first.

I will be having 4 x AC and 4 x Docetaxel over 6 months every 21 days. Tgen Radiotherapy and iv zometa.

I was like you originally was told it was just a cyst, to its a 1cm cancer and like 80% of Breast Cancers IDC. So just a lumpsectomy and Radiotherapy…then After first lumpsectomy was told it was 3cm and Metaplastic which is a rare type less than 5% of Breast cancers, needed a second operation to get clear margins. Then they sent mine off for an oncotype test.

Came back at a score of 40. So chemo it is.

I am very nervous, but it needs to be done…im just hoping the scan comes back clear. Im worried as have been having stomach issues and have anemia so worry its somewhere else.

I think its really hard to clearly diagnose treatment for cancer in the first instance, guess they just try and be optimistic at first.

Good luck with your treatment…we have got this…



I’m feeling very apprehensive about my upcoming chemo.

I was diagnosed with Grade 2, 24mm invasive Ductal, Hormone receptor positive, Her2 negative breast cancer.

I’ve had two surgeries. The first was surgery was a lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy which results showed the cancer had spread to my sentinel lymph node so had a second surgery which was a axillary node clearance. I got those results back this week and thankfully it had not spread to anymore lymph nodes. The relief was palpable.

I start my chemo the week after next. I will be having EC and Docetaxel x 6 cycles every 3 weeks. Then localised Radiotherapy and then anti-hormone tablets for 5-10 years.

Its been a lot to cope with since I first went to the doctors at the beginning of April - I’ve been really positive since the initial diagnosis back in June and subsequent two surgeries and have recovered well I think in part because of my positive mental approach. But its a long time to keep yourself upbeat, smiling and positive and I feel like I’ve fallen apart a bit this week with the looming prospect of starting chemo.

In preparation I went wig shopping yesterday and it was really overwhelming! I thought I would find it fun, I’ve worn wigs for costume parties so many times in the past. But trying to find something to replace your own hair, knowing it will soon all be gone was overwhelming. I’m trying to get back to my positive mindset, but been finding it hard to do this week!

Here to offer support …and find some myself! …in this difficult part of our journeys Xx


Hi I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 weeks ago. Still awaiting HER2 results but ER & PR negative. Saw oncologist this week and will be starting weekly paclitaxel and 3 weekly carboplatin hopefully within the next week or 2 once MRI and CT results are in. Having a portacath fitted hopefully this week.
Hoping we can be of some help to each other through this.


@kitty3 i could have written this post myself. I was diagnosed 10 days ok, ER weak positive, PR negative and waiting for HER2. I haven’t meant my oncologist yet, but have been told chemo is most likely. I’ve had MRI and CT this week and just waiting for results. The wait is really hard.


Waiting is the worst bit isn’t it, you just want to know what will happen. I had surgery planned for this week but that has now been postponed till after chemo. I think one thing I am learning on this journey is that plans can change at the drop of a hat


Yes I have been told surgery will be after chemo. It just feels very strange just sat around waiting and I know in the grand scheme of things I haven’t been waiting long.


Hopefully not too much longer and we can get started on the countdown


Hi everyone
I’m Julie diagnosed Aug grade 1 1900mm low grade dcis ER and PR positive HER2 negative. Had originally been told lumpectomy with radio but sentinel node positive so had an axcilliary clearance 5 weeks ago. I had a really good recovery but have been told I need 8 rounds chemo - 4 of EC and 4 of paclitaxel one every 2 weeks. I’m absolutely devastated and my mental health has suddenly deteriorated. I am absolutely terrified of chemo. I start my chemo 2nd week November. I have cut my long hair short in preparation for hair loss and I am hoping to keep working as much as I can. I just want to wish everyone in my situation good luck xx


Julie :heart:step by step a treatment at a time, you will settle into a routine, get your teeth check d at your dentists they will fit you in when you tell them you are starting chemo. Get a thermometer so you can check your temperature throughout chemo, I found keeping graph charts so I could make not of my temperature throughout the day and when I’d taken me tablets helped keep me. Please do think about donating hair to little princes trust that makes wigs for kids :heart:also get your wig vouchers from your trusts, do sign up for your look good feel better sessions and also your Macmillan’s usually have preloved wigs you can buy for a donation :heart: also you can enquire about the cold cap if your trust does that and that’s a route you want to take to keep your hair :heart: all of you hold on tight to each other :two_women_holding_hands: you will get each other through :heart: there are no right or wrongs you get through your own way in your own time :heart: bcn is here for you and everyone on the threads is here for you too :heart: give yourself a treat after each chemo, it helped me to have a treat after each one. You should get your rapid response cards from your trusts, if you’ve not been given one ask them about one :heart:be kind to yourselves because you are all amazing :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Hi Shi thanks for your lovely reply. I hadn’t thought about a treat after each session that’s something I will do. I tried to donate my hair but unfortunately it was coloured and only 6 inches and the minimum was 7inches. I don’t think I can cope without a wig. I will speak at my meet the chemo team appointment on Saturday. So nice to know I’m not alone. I am awake each night from 3am onwards. I suspect I’m not alone. Thanks again x


Hey lovely ladies, I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I am in the October chemo group and was in your shoes waiting for chemo to start. I was petrified. Couldn’t sleep and when I did I had nightmares.

However, once I got started , and doing it, I am definitely less anxious, and now I sleep a bit better , no more nightmares . Sometimes the side effects keep me awake but not anxiety ! .

For me it was the fear of the unknown but now I’m doing it it’s ok. Everyone’s different in how they react to the chemo and there’s so many variables. My first round left me feeling rough, as hard as I imagined it would be . But it’s doable . Just take one day at a time. I just wanted to reassure you , but it’s hard to think otherwise until you get going . These groups are fab for support and make all the difference too.

Take care and Big hugs :hugs: xx


Thanks for popping on, it’s good to hear from someone who is already on their chemo journey
I got my CT scan results last night which showed nothing of concern except a couple of nodules on my lungs which they are going to monitor in 3 months. Must admit felt a bit panicky when he said that, keep telling myself if he was concerned he would not wait 3 months to check again
Still waiting on my HER2 result which had to be sent for a FISH test.
Waiting is so hard


I start my chemo tomorrow, 1st november. Am having 12 x weekly paclitaxel and 3 weekly herceptin.
Will let you know how it goes.
Also having picc line fitted and seeing the hairdresser who will sort me with a wig.
They said first visit lasts about 3-4 hours.
Was originally having the E.C. combination, but that has changed and will be reassessed after the 12 weeks of paclitaxel . Wishing everyone the best of luck and hope all goes smoothly xx


Good luck for tomorrow, hope it goes ok


I start chemo in the morning.
Ive actually bought a few cheap wigs from amazon and to be quite honest 2 of them look really good.
The one on the pic was 18.00


That looks great :blush:


Loony :heart:that wig is fantastic :heart: wigs have come on so far no one can tell :heart: do get your look good feel better sessions booked at your Macmillan’s at your trusts :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Anyone know if the portacath has to be fitted in advance or can it be done the day of chemo?