November 2023 chemo starters

I am Grade 3, Stage 2 also but having chemo first because I am triple negative. I start next Friday (17th)
Hopefully won’t take too long for you to get started.


Hi kitty3 I was initially TN but then more results came bak and they had found estrogen receptors 3/8. So very low my consultant said. Is your chemo regime same as mine? And are you going to try the cold cap? Fascinating but scary how there are so many different types and variations isn’t it? Good luck on your chemo journey!

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Hiya, I am getting 12 weekly paclitaxel along with 3 weekly carboplatin and 3 weekly pembrolizumab for 4 cycles then going onto 3 weekly EC plus the pembrolizumab for 4 cycles then they are doing surgery then 3 weekly pembrolizumab for 8 cycles
I had no idea there were so many different types of breast cancer or treatments- one things for sure, we are all on the same journey and we will get to the end of it with a lot of support from each other :blush:


I have decided not to use the cold cap, mostly due to the extra time involved and the cold factor :blush:.
I am having a portacath fitted on Wednesday which seems to be quite good so :crossed_fingers:


Me too, I hate being cold, I really admire people who can manage it but
brrrr not for me!

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I’m on the same chemo treatment plan as you. I start on Wdnesday. We can do this xx

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Hi Just bak home after having my PICC line fitted this morning :sewing_needle::drop_of_blood: My chemo starts next Monday 20th November xx Will you be trying the cold cap :cold_face: ??

I’m trying it yeah. I don’t do well with the cold normally though. I havent been offered a picc. Infact they’ve not told me anything other than side effects. Expect they’ll bombard me with everything when I get there!

Had first PICC line dressing change and flush today. Not too bad. Didn’t hurt at all when she removed dressing but the alcohol cleaner was a bit stingy! Had it done at local hospital with district nurses which was much better than travelling further afield to main hospital. Always worth asking. Also had a phone call from oncologist today checking on how I was doing. I’ve had a fast heartbeat on and off over past couple of days (90-106) but he said it was prob due to anxiety and he won’t be concerned unless it’s consistently over 100. Chemo can put heart rate up. Also had a call from my breast cancer nurse just checking on me. She said I’ll get regular ECGs during treatment anyway. Feeling much less sick now. So I’m on for 2nd chemo next Tues. xx


First chemo session today! Had EC which is bright red and I’m still peeing pink now! Had coldcap so it was a 4 hour stay and other than a couple of painful attempts getting a line in and the first 15-20 mins of brain freeze it went well - infact I don’t know what I was afraid of! Will speak to my onco about getting a picc line I think though, as im not sure I can take it all! Still smiling although side effects having kicked in yet!!


Had portacath fitted Wednesday which was ok, they left the needle in for my first chemo which was yesterday. All went ok apart from one blood result was too low for the immunotherapy drug (pembro) so they took another blood test yesterday morning and are hoping it will be up enough to get started on the pembro but if not they will probably put me on additional steroids
Feeling ok so far, felt a bit like I’d had a couple of drinks yesterday but not bad today, the steroids and anti sickness meds seem to be doing their job. We’ll see how the next couple of days go

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How are you feeling now? I start this week I think possibly next I have the phone call with chemo team today.

Can I ask some silly questions? What do you wear for the appointment?? I’m having a picc line so assume just need access to that?
I’m trying to plan ahead for food. What should I get in other than ginger biscuits and ginger tea??
Should I take a book and music or is it too busy/ noisy??
Sorry no idea what to expect so any of the small stuff really useful!! Please.

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Ive been really tired and achy but nothing too bad, although feeling really weird today. Really anxious and jittery. Can only put it down to coming off the steroids after 4 days. If you’re cold capping a warm blanket is a must. I had my phone, tablet, ear phones, herbal tea, boiled sweets as the infusion can give a horrible taste. I didnt have a picc line but if you have a nice baggy sweater that’ll do nicely as you can just pull the sleeves up and down. I just wore comfy stuff and dr martens fur lines boots to keep me cosy x


:heart:on food front just go with what you fancy but things can taste different during chemo :heart: no soft cheese. It can get cool while having infusion so I always wore jumper that had big arms so infusion could be administered easier while keeping warm. Took a book but ended up chatting to people having their infusions too which hopefully you will too, you learn a lot from those who are further on, even if they are having different chemo I took on board all their knowledge when they shared :heart: take it one treatment at a time :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thank you both so much, this is really helpful. baggy jumper it is and think cosy! That I can do :blush:
I like the sweets idea and otherwise it sounds like go with the flow it.
It would make sense that the after effect of steroids would make you jittery. I do hope that settles soon.
Is anyone still working/ trying to juggle- how are you managing?
My first chemo is 30th Nov. so I have just qualified for this group! Wishing everyone the very best. I feel like the baby of the group being the very latest to start so I hope you don’t mind all the questions!!

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Loose sleeve top (or short sleeves) so that it fits over PICC line/dressing/cover. I had to remove top and put a hospital gown on for PICC insertion. Heart monitor pads have to be applied to body. Had to lie on bed with arm outstretched supported on a pillow on table next to me. Dr anaesthetised the area so it didn’t hurt. He was checking on computer screen where to insert line. Take a book or something in case your appt is delayed.

After my first chemo I was eating plain food for a few days. Tesco super smooth porridge with added blueberries has been a staple. Have avoided anything spicy as I felt a bit nauseous for a few days. I also love crystallised ginger, walnuts and dried dates.

Have found a lovely smoothie that is a daily nutritious basic. One small banana, one kiwi, one cube of frozen spinach, one teaspoon of almond butter, a small piece of fresh ginger and half a pint of almond milk. Whizz it all up (I bought a smoothie maker a few weeks ago).

Lots of luck. xx


Hi again. Realise now you were asking about chemo sessions rather than PICC line insertion. Yes, just access to PICC line necessary. Dressing will be changed each time so enough room needed. I wear short baggy sleeves as I find it’s quite warm in the room, but you can take a blanket. Do take something to read. I wasn’t able to talk to anyone whilst having chemo, apart from the nurse, as the chairs are are separated with partitions between them. A volunteer came round with tea, biscuits, sandwiches but you can take your own food if you want.

You can disconnect the drip and wheel the stand to the loo. Just make sure the top arm of the stand isn’t too high to fit through the loo door (don’t ask!) :grinning:

Everyone will be super nice to you I’m sure!



I decided not to work as had just started a new job within the same firm which needs lots of concentration so decided it wasn’t a good idea :blush:
Good luck with your first chemo

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Hi, this is great thank you :blush: I’ve not had my PICC inserted yet so I don’t know what to expect with that either. Smoothie sounds good, I will give it a try. I had a lovely grape, ginger, and spinach smoothie yesterday.

sounds like there is a story there?
Everyone is being so nice, I found a dentist who basically gave me a private service but NHS to ensure all well before starting. The only people not nice are those who ask “did they find it on your mammogram screening?” Even if you think I look over 50 SSshhh!! :rofl:

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