November 2024 chemo starters

I hope you get some sleep Xxxxxx wishing you all the love and luck tomorrow…… you’ll be fine!!! let us know when you feel up to it how you got on :slight_smile: Xxxxxx


@stevie86 Thank you xx I’m still awake sadly :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Amazingly I managed to sleep . Which surprised me !
Im a bit snotty this morning and temp is slightly raised so I’m a bit worried they’ll delay it … I cant get through to oncology as they arent answering the phone so I’ll just turn up and see what they say


Good luck! xx

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@flojo good luck with your second dose today xx

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Glad you slept!! I actually slept last night for the whole night, first time since my first infusion!! Whooohoo!!

Wishing you all the love for today!! Hope you aren’t feeling too poorly with your temp etc…. maybe it was the stress?!


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@stevie86 ooh I bet that felt amazing ! I’m not sleeping g well at the moment anyway due to the hrt withdrawal … temp is now fine … I think it’s probably stress but my heart is racing !
On the way now … :cold_sweat:


Lots of love!! Xxxxx

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How did you get on @arty1? And how are you feeling? Hope it was ok and you don’t have too many (or any) side effects.

I have had round 2 - it was so busy so they were an hour late starting, but it’s done now and I’m back home. Hoping for a peaceful few days. xx

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I’m home … my word what a long day :sleeping:

It was 2.30 before I had my herceptin and after the nurse say she’d never seen a reaction to herceptin … guess who had a reaction ?! :see_no_evil: ten mins in I felt like I’d just downed a giant jug of the strongest rum.! Nurse spotted me looking panicked and Dr was called and meds in before I could blink … all good to go for the nab- paclitaxel at 3.30 , they give it over 90 mins first time and 45 for subsequent . As I was off my face on piriton the chemo was uneventful !

Home now … feeling a bit “weird” and had a dizzy/faint turn in the kitchen so I’m just relaxing on the sofa … my rib cage feels a big painful and I’ve got terrible wind!
How did it go for you today @flojo ? How are you feeling now ?


I’m glad you got it done and that you are home. One done - tick…The reaction sounds scary though - you need to take it easy.

They were so busy at the hospital and the treatment was an hour late arriving so it’s been a long day. I had a good chat to a couple of other ladies, which was nice. The nurse herself had BC six years ago and doing just fine.

I’m tired now so going to crash before too long but trying to drink lots of fluids!!! Take it easy and really glad you are ok - other than the dizzy spell and wind!! xx

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@flojo they were busy in my unit too … two people waited ages for their treatment two turn up …
Take it easy now. Two down for you … you are making a nice dent in that treatment chegime xx

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They sent a couple of people home because the treatment wasn’t ready. So I am grateful for mine.

A couple of ladies had amazing wigs on - wouldn’t have guessed in a million years they were wigs. And another had a scarf tied like a 40s land girl and she looked so stylish. So food for thought.

Anyway, night night! Xx

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@flojo oh that’s rotten having to be sent home :sob:
I’m. Toying with just shaving my hair … I’ve got some amazing wigs !
Rest up well xxx

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Hi is anyone on this thread struggling with the pain that the filgrastim injections cause? I feel like me vertebra are being pulled apart, pain in my lower back & pelvis is really bad!! Just wondered what everyone else’s experience of the injections are?

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oh my gosh you poor thing but so glad you’ve got your first one out of the way!! whoohooo!! sounds a bit scary though but I know they are good at acting quickly if anything arises!!

how did you sleep and how are you feeling this morning?!

I’ve just had my sister come over a chop all my hair, it was getting matted very quickly, so no actual shave yet but a very short boy cut, lol. it feels WAY better though!! it was getting extremely sore and itchy!!

hope you’re ok!! Xxxxxx

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Not personally, but if you look at other chemo starter threads or search, lots of people do. I start my second lot tomorrow, so will report back, but the first round was alright. That doesn’t sound good though. I hope it settles down soon.

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@shelbylou81 Oh my god that sounds horrible !
I have t been given the injections yet as they said they usually just watch and see what happens on this regime … I think I’ve seen others say that they are really unpleasant though :cold_sweat: the bone pain is your bone marrow rapidly making those extra white blood cells x

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@stevie86 Oh god I didn’t sleep a wink until about five am :sleeping: everytime I dosed off I had like a weird adrenaline rush and palpitations… I suspect the steroids or it could be abraxane side effects …. Subsequently I’m yawning non stop today .
I feel slightly short of breath today but they said I’m anaemic . No sunrise there due to heavy periods on blood thinners … I’ve stopped my hrt and I’ll be quite pleased if I never see period again !! I did laugh when I had to do a pregnancy test yesterday at 52 :rofl:

You’ll feel better with shorter hair if it’s matting … friends who e had chemo day your scalp. Can be quite painful as the hair falls out


Ooooh gosh. But sounds like you got a little bit of sleep!! hopefully you have a nap today!!? omg I was getting that weird adrenaline rush but that was just before chemo, I think it was all the stress and my brain not letting me sleep……. I haven’t had it since but it’s horrible isn’t it…. I also got it bad when I was going through my under active thyroid diagnosis a few years ago ;(

Oh I feel loads better now my dreadlocks have gone, lol…. that’s how my hair had become!! I might wash it now as it’s very itchy.

Watching a Christmas movie and putting tree up now✨🫶🏼

Hope you get some good rest today?! xxxxx

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