November 2024 chemo starters

This topic is for anyone starting chemo in November 2024 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.

You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now


I’ve been waiting for a November thread !
I’m Erica 52
Diagnosed in August with multi focal high grade DCIS and grade 2 IDC . ER/PR-0 HER2 +

Had a left side single mastectomy and SNB on September 23rd which found 154 mm of DCIS and five seperate but teeny (under a cm) invasives . Nodes were clear but met with the oncologist yesterday who recommends chemo and herceptin , so will be starting 12 , weekly paclitaxel and herceptin in November , I’m absolutely terrified as I’ve a ton of health issues and have lots of allergies , but equally just want to get started so I can get it over and done with


Anyone else starting in November ? Just got my date through , 22nd November

Hi. I’m starting treatment on 1 November - so next Friday. Terrified. 3 x EC and 3 x Docetaxel over 18 weeks.


Not long to go ! Are you her2 + ? .
I think it’s the fear of the unknown isn’t it … once you get that first chemo out if the way it will hopefully feel less scary . Have you had surgery or are you having chemo first ?

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I’m ER and PR positive and HER2 negative. I had a mastectomy and node clearance nearly 7 weeks ago.

It’s been a nightmare, as it’s lobular and larger than originally thought that had spread to a few of the nodes. This week, I discovered they told me the wrong grade, so it’s a grade 3 tumour, not a grade 2 so it feels like I’ve had my diagnosis all over again.

Weekly sounds quite hard, although at least you get it over with quicker. I reckon I finish in early to mid March, then onto hormone blockers and radiotherapy and possibly CDK inhibitors - so chucking a lot at it. I’m also being genetically tested.

It all feels very unreal.

I’ve been back to work this week and I feel like I’m living in a parallel universe.

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@flojo - I’ve learned that diagnosis can change a few times during this , you prepare for one thing then it’s all change .
Did you find a lump or was it screening that picked it up?

I was originally told it all looked like DCIS then the biopsy showed grade 2 DCIS with a 1.1 mm invasive … then it came back hormone negative and HER2 + but consultant said if I had a mastectomy I’d possibly avoid chemo .
Had a single mastectomy 4 weeks ago and SNB , nodes were clear but boob was literally full in every quadrant with now high grade DCIS and five Grade 2 IDC found. So then it’s definitely chemo
I’m worried sick as having paclitaxel which seems to cause bad reactions

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It’s all very worrying. Hopefully we will get to the other side. I keep telling myself that this time will pass!

Mine was picked up on screening although I had been to the GP some months before with a concern and told it was nothing to worry about. So feels like I missed an opportunity to catch it a bit earlier.

I’m off to the hospital for pre-chemo bloods this morning. I think I’m developing an allergic reaction to the place!

How are you getting on following surgery? I had my prosthesis fitted on Monday so I’m really pleased with how it feels. Makes me feel more normal!

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I’m know what you mean about being allergic to the hospital :rofl: I feel myself literally having a reaction when I pull into the car park !

I’m going to be marking the weeks off on the calendar I tell you ! Good luck with the bloods , you’ve reminded me I need to organise my appointment for that . My nhs app has shown they’ve made an appointment for me to have a picc pine fitted the day before but I said I’d rather try with a cannula first .

Recovery has been ok , I had an infected seroma two weeks ago but antibiotics have cleared it up . I’m still wearing my comfy,I’ve bought a breast form from boost but not sure when I can wear it ?
Is it an nhs one you have ? Does it feel ok ? Not too heavy ? I want to bin off the post surgery bra too but it’s still very red and bruised round there and probably still too early (4.5 weeks post surgery )

Hi Flojo

I start 4th November same chemo regime as you .

Good luck for what is to come , hopefully once it’s underway it will be less daunting xxx


I hope so! Best of luck to you too. x


Ouch, that doesn’t sound fun.

I didn’t have a post surgery bra - I was told any bra that was comfortable.

But for the fitting, I had to supply a back hook bra with pockets and the hospital supplied the breast form. I tried various ones on - they provide Amoena or Trulife ones. I ended up with a Trulife as it was lighter and more natural. It is much more comfortable that the softie, which I probably had overstuffed.

Fittng was at 6 weeks, so not too long to go hopefully.

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Thank you xx

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I start on the 5th. 3xEc and 3x docetaxel very scared. Going tk try cold capping xx


We are on the same regime. I start on Friday afternoon. I am petrified. X

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Flojo - me too xx

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I was diagnosed Aug 15, triple positive, grade 2, 18mm IDC and had lumpectomy and SN biopsy on 11th Sept. No node involvement Had post surgery infected seroma 14 days after surgery and spent a week in hospital.

I start 12 x weekly Paclitaxel and 18 x 3 weekly herceptin some time in November. No date yet.

Going to try cold capping and have had 10 inches cut off my hair in preparation. Wig consultation tomorrow.

I feel remarkably well after recovering from my infection and it seems a shame to think that soon I will probably feel ill again. I’m dreading it but I know the possible benefits so I’m aiming to get my head down and just power through it if I can. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be and just want to get started so I can get to the end asap!


I start chemotherapy (EC) on 6th November ( 4 cycles fortnightly followed by 12 weekly cycles of something else - so 20 weeks total without any delays). Was diagnosed mid June so feels a very long time coming!
Had excision of 2 lumps and axillary node clearance followed by re excision of one site.
Whilst being scared at what is to come >I am ready to be doing something!


Hi. All of you wish you so much love and support. I’m starting my chemo in November. I have an appointment with the oncologist on Wednesday. I’ll get my treatment plan discussed and then get pre assessment and start. I had er/pr + her2 negative. Right mastectomy they found the cancer span 6.5 cm and removed with clear margins but was found in my lymph’s . I’m waiting now to see what the oncologist suggests. So still nervous that the expectation is chemo and radiotherapy will clean up anything else in my lymph’s. Or cell spread anywhere and the ten years of drugs after wards will give any cancer cells nowhere to go thrive or feed and so should die. Scary thought my life is in the hands of the nhs and cancer specialists. Sending love to you all xxx


Hi @mrso2 you and flojo are ahead of me with starting chemo - I feel a bit envious as just want to get the first one out of the way :see_no_evil: