Numb Boobie after WLE

Seeing a lot of posts about pain after the surgeries etc but my boob is almost completely numb after my “what’s-left-of-a-lumpectomy” (as I affectionately call it). I had my surgery at the end of May(?) and still have no real feeling in the back of my arm, or the entire bottom half of my boob up to my nip. I understand that the nerves could have been damaged and that’s probably why, but does anyone have experience of this at all? Does the feeling come back? Now, if my boobie is squished at all I can feel that (first mammogram was horrible :sweat_smile:) or if my dog stands on me, or someone hugs me too tightly, sure, but any normal sensation is just gone?


It’s a horrible feeling isn’t it, especially on what was formerly a very sensitive part of your body! Mine is the same, but I also had this after caesarean sections so not a surprise to me, nerves have been severed but as they regrow you might get more sensation back. I still have some numb patches around my section wound, that was 26 years ago! My poor wee mutilated boob is the same now, numb on all the lower half and the nipple is a mess, it needs a bit of repair work now.


Hello Hazzabee,

Well done, for get this far with your treatment. Unfortunately I think most of us who have had a lumpectomy have numbness in the breast or arm area, it may get a bit better as time goes on.

Wishing you well, going forward with health and happiness going forward

Hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:

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I had a lumpectomy 7 years ago and my arm was completely numb from the shoulder to the elbow. It took time but gradually sensation came back. It was about three years ago that I suddenly realised that I had no more numbness. It may take time but the body can be amazingly good at recovering from trauma. Don’t give up hope.


Thanks so much guys! There was so little info about numbness, and how long it can last, I thought I was just extra special :joy: it’s such a weird feeling!

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