numb chin

Thankyou Carolyn.

MRI report written but not verified. General thoughts are benign or secondary BC lets, but need biopsy. Radiographer couldn’t see from scan, but said there is a nerve around the tumour site which does go to chin where numbness is, but doesn’t know for certain. Stoke apt should be for next week. Asked how quickly they move on things and told pretty fast. Booked birthday afternoon tea on 11th June for 27 of us for my 50th on 13th June! Brain specialist said to go ahead with it, small delay shouldn’t matter.

BC marker up, so requested another meds review, don’t think Letrozole working. They will look into it Monday. Liver lets stable so if marker going up it leafs me to brain tumour, but could be wrong. If it is they follow up op with radiotherapy.

Stoke hospital phoned me at home this afternoon to make apt, I was at work. They didn’t try my mobile! Will chase tomorrow.

Take care
Denise x

Hi Denise
Well still playing the waiting game but it sounds like you have a very good oncology team and they will do everything to sort it out for you.
I was thinking about you all day yesterday and a landmark 50th to celebrate as well coming up.
Sending loads of hugs xxxx

Thankyou Carolyn and Nicky xxx

Got an apt on Tues at 2pm with Neurology, will keep you posted.

Have a great weekend xxx

Try to relax and enjoy sunshine and bank holiday. I’m sure your Tuesday appointment will b fine and u will feel better when u have a plan in place.

Hope you had a nice bank holiday weekend. I had a nice few days, but was back at work today. Was exhausted, I think its all the stress.

I saw my cousin yesterday who is a nurse at the hospital, and has offered to come to the appointment tomorrow with me. It will be good to have her there to look at the information from a medical angle.

I feel very positive about the biopsy, and am sure its the right route to go. Although am sure I’ll be scared whitless when I have to go down for the operation.

Will let you know how I get on.


Sending you huge hugs and good vibes for your results today.

Thankyou Carolyn.

Appointment went well. Asked loads of questions. I have the tumour removed on 16th June. He could have done it this Thursday, but it would have meant going in tomorrow. I need time to organise myself. More importantly I have my birthday tea.

Take care xxx

Hiya Denise
Well at least you have a treatment plan now in place.
You get your birthday tea first as well. Is it a Big op and a long hosp stay ?
You must feel better now you know what the problem is and we all send big hugs to you.


I should be in for 5 days.

Its a craniotomy. They go in from the back in an upside down u shape to remove the tumour.

Main complications are loss os sight in left eye where there is an area I cant see, weakness down left side, seizures, and usual surgery stuff like strokes, bleeds and fluid build upbon brain etc.

Biggest practical trauma for me is no driving as it takes me 30 mins to drive to work, and both I and my job aren’t on a bus or train route! So have to have a plan B.

Surgery 2.5 hrs, intensive care 24hrs if all goes to plan.

Lotsa love xxx

Oh forgot to say, its not related to my numbness !!! ???

Oh Denise …such a big op but you will b in very good hands and they will not attempt it if they were not confident in it working.
I will send u more hugs nearer the time but try not to worry too much as you will b asleep during the op !!!

Xxxx I’m in the zone, staying positive.

Nice to c u posting again now as you haven’t been on the word games recently.
Big hugs for the op Denise.

Thankyou both for your support. Things have been so busy. I’m working full time, trying to train people and handover. Also catching up with letting friends and family know the situation. Been I touch with McMillan. Hospital apt tomorrow with onc. Hospital apt Friday with maxillofacial onc, so preparing mentally and peeping questions. Just trying to keep on top of messages with friends is challenging. Not sleeping great either. At least I finish work on Friday so one less thing to deal with. Also my birthday party Saturday! Don’t think my partners coping too well, its so hard for people around me. Read hospital paperwork last night on what to expect post op with drains etc. Scary stuff. Still in the zone.
Big huge hugs xxx

We are all thinking about you and its a biggy to face but u r strong and sound very organised too.
I will keep posting to you but understand that you will not feel much like posting for a while !!
Have a lovely birthday tea …try to relax and enjoy it all.
Huge huge hugs to you.

Deedeepuss…super luck and wishes for your op…love Sharon :heart: x

Thankyou Sharon.

Saw onc today she’s given me some tablets to try for numb chin now we know its not related to the tumour. Fingers, toes, everything crossed xxx


Stay in the zone. Enjoy your birthday.:heart:? hugs sharonx

Thankyou, will do my best xxx

Saw maxfax onc today. He’s pretty sure I’ve got the numb chin and lip from the denosumab! Said the tumour may relieve it a little when its removed, even though the neurosurgeon said it wasn’t connected. No one told me this would happen with denosunab. All they said was if I got a tingling in my lips it could be low calcium so take another calcichew! Dr was rude, abrupt obnoxious. So I gave it back. Sent me for an xray. When I saw machine I asked why I wad having the same xray as the 1 I had on 16th May. She went and asked. She said he had looked but it wasn’t clear. Same machine, same xray!!! So I sat in waiting room again waiting to see him. He saw 3 others whilst I waited. I went in and told him he was wasting both our time sending me for same xray, he agreed. It was because he couldn’t see anything to cause the numbness. Repeating I wasn’t going to miraculously give us an answer. Its irreversible and he’s seen it many times from denosunab. Even said there was a more up to date drug being used to do the same thing which does the same.

I was pretty racked off when I left, 2hrs later!!

Took some towels and bedding to dog rescue centre to calm down!
