numb chin

Hiya denise
Just to send u hugs for tomorrow and your op on Thursday.
Your safe …England arnt playing footy on Thursday …so surgeon will not be side tracked with goals !!

I know u won’t be up to reading this for a few days but just to say …thinking of you and hope the news and recovery is good.

<Empty imported post>

Home, catcha soon xxx

Hiya Denise
Glad to hear u back home and take it easy and rest . Look forward to hearing all about the op when you feel ready.
In the meantime …take care of yourself.


Hiya Denise
How are you doing ? Hope u r being spoilt and on the road to recovery after such a biggy op.
Just to let u know we are thinking of you.

Recovering well. Apologies in advance for typos op has affected my sight.
Wound healing well. Had bad day Tuesday, I think it was a steroid come down. Taking it easy. Doing colouring to relax.
Tumour result today, they didn’t really want to tell me over phone, kept saying mt onc team would discuss. So told them what I thought and she agreed. Its a secondary from BC. So no surprise.
They got mist if tumour, apart from a small nodule which they should treat with radiotherapy. There are a couple of chemos that can get through blood/brain barrier but will have to wait for onc apt to see if they offer. Then if offered look at QOL vs longevity.

Long road ahead. Slowly slowly, rake one day at a time.

Hope all us well in forums, bw back playing games soon.


Forgot to say still have numb lip n chin. Looks like down to denosumab. They should never have given me that last injection when I went in with symptoms! Back to maxfax. Effects are irreversible but if they can make things more comfortable it but be a strive in right direction. They didn’t listen to me in February either when I told them Letrozole wasn’t working. Uts now July, yes still on Letrozole!!

Hiya Denise
So glad to hear from you but a huge op and treatment ahead for you.
Just do what you can and let your body heal from the trauma.
Keep visiting here and join in the word games soon …for several weeks it was only Barton and myself but we have a few more back now !!
Hugs xxx???

Hiya Denise
Just to say hello today …thinking of you and hope that each day u feel just a little better.

Hello Denise
Thought I would touch base with you and see how you are.
It was nice to see you joining in with the word games last week.
Sending loads of hugs .

Hi Carolyn

I’m doing ok thankyou. Had a week of visitors every day! A bit tiring, especially yesterday, even my dog was exhausted, he’s slept all day bless him. Today we’ve booked a little break to Aberdovey next week. A lovely little bungalow overlooking the sea. We both need quiet time. I’m so looking forward to it. The week after hospital appointments so making the most of next week.

How are you?


Hello Denise
So nice to hear from you …visitors are very tiring but good ones don’t stay too long …and bring food rather than flowers !! After my op last year …had so many flowers we had to put them in porch and give them away …shame .
I must confess I had to Google aberdovey …it’s Wales …sounds nice and quiet for you to relax and recover from. Do u live nearby ?
It’s good u are feeling better and sounds like the dog has gone out in sympathy too.
Hugs …thinking of you xxxc

Hello Denise
Just dipping in to say hello as its been a few weeks. How are you doing ?
Obviously a treatment plan now in action.
Hugs and positive vibes xxx???

Hi All
I’m doing ok. Lots of hospital blunders, causing me to lose confidence I them even more. Long story but all sorted now. Start radiotherapy tomorrow for 5 days. Some unpleasant side effects. They’re doing whole brain rather than targeted. They have said that I would completely lose my sight with targeted. Got used to how my sight is now so don’t want it to be any worse. Radiotherapy will affect it but it should get better in time.

Been going to the Hospice once a week for a new Living Well course, it’s been really good. Last session tomorrow.

Oncologist said will be another 12 mths post radiotherapy before I can apply for my driving licence, that’s if my sights ok.

Going onto Capcetabine chemo tabs after radiotherapy. I’ve been telling them since May Letrozole isn’t working. Now they’ve taken me off it 3 mths later, after brain tumour removed, and cancer marker doubled!

Numb chin and face still there but meds seem to have taken the throbbing away, so that’s good.

Doing lots of colouring, its very therapeutic. Also made a few lemon drizzle cakes. Making sure I have lots of rest.

Hope you’re all ok.

Lotsa hugs

Hiya Denise
Phew so glad to hear from you as you have been so quiet lately but we understand your recovery time is a long one.
You have now switched treatment so will b a cape crusader now but there’s so much advice on that thread to help you.
Yum lemon drizzle cake …sounds lovely …can you send me a slice through cyber as I have a coffee and it needs a slice of something with it.
Hugs xxx

Hiya Denise
Just dipping in to say hello …how are you doing with the treatment?.
Hope u have enjoyed some nice sunshine and relaxation recently after major surgery.
Hugs xxx???

Hiya Denise
So nice to hear from you and what an ordeal you have been through. It must have been scary with the mask.
What a bummer with the hair loss …you should have been told beforehand as its a big thing …sometimes I find information is patchy with these things.
At least with cape chemo …there is a superb thread here with so much support from ladies that know what’s what with the side effects.
Anyway keep in touch with us …
Love and hugs
Carolyn xxxx

Hello Denise
We haven’t heard from you for a while. how are you getting on with cape ?
Hope se arnt too bad and you are coping each day.
Love Carolyn ???