Hi all,
Had my WLE and SNB last Friday 30/5/14 and a few days after I have started having pins and needles and slight numbness in my foot, the opposite side of my surgery.
Anyone experienced this and what can it be? It doesn’t bother me too much, just hubby gets worried and wants to rush me to hospital which I’m not keen on right now.
Hi Flossie
I also had WLE and sentinel node biopsy in November 2013 and another operation in January this year. I didn’t suffer from pins and needles so can’t help you with that. If I were you I’d give your BCN a call and have a chat with her, she may have the answer.
After my second lot of surgery I developed pain in my shoulder so spoke to my BCN who said it may well have been the way they positioned my arm during surgery. It did get better so I presume it was what she said. Obviously your pins and needles need investigating and your BCN will suggest what you should do.
Hope everything turns out well.
Hi Kathy,
I had my results on Wednesday and they got clear margins and no spread in the limph nodes so great news, however, it was HER2 negative and Oestrogen/Progesteron negative. This is why they recommend chemotherapy to minimise the chance of it coming back. I was not expecting this after being told you have no more cancer, but I guess they know better, so waiting for oncology appointment now.
Hope you are well, seems lime the tingling in my foot had subsided :smileyhappy:
Hi had my surgery 3days ago and in notes to take home it said this might happen then go away do not worry , today is first day I got up off chair my under arm is easier breast still very tender xxx
Hi iam having the same in both feet 10 days after my op.
Hi Toulula
It’s been a while now since my surgery and I have not experienced it anymore once I’ve started moving around so I’m thinking it had to do with sitting around for too long. Hope you are feeling better