Hi all just another worrier yestoday I woke up to a numbness near my left eye into my temple just into my forehead and a little into cheek hoped odd maybe slept wrong but it’s still there today not sure if I should wait longer or speak to gp. Has anyone experienced this ?? I know I panic over the slightest thing but I am a worrier if anyone has any advice I would appreciate it thanks rozita x
Hi Rosita
have you fallen?
hope you are ok.
is there someone nearby you can share your worry with?
Hi rozita I had numbness like this quite a few years ago and it turned out to be anxiety and stress related. I would get it checked out just for your own peace of mind.
All the best melxx
Hi thanks no not fallen I’m 3 n half years since diagnosis lumpectomy auxiliary clearance chemo n rads it’s just a bit wierd a little bit like when I your jab from the dentist has nearly worn out just wondered if anyone else has had it could be some side effect from tamoxifen that mistaking for my coughing again any experiences I would appreciate x
Hello Rozita, The numbness could be lots of things and I would get it checked out but I do not think there is any reason to panic. First post of call? Make an appointment to see your GP.
It could also be tooth related as there is a nerve going down each side of your face. So a check up at the dentist could perhpas follow that if your doctor thinks it is appropriate. You are obviously worried but it may disappear tomorrow all by itself. I will look out to see how you get on. Val
Thanks yes I think il wait until Monday see if its gone x
Hi i got numbness down one side of my face that felt like an injection wearing off & sensitive to the cold. I was seen by a neurologist & given tablets but it cleared up on its own. He couldn’t find a reason for it and gave the standard could have been caused by chemo or radiotherapy response!!
Hi it go away after a few days so maybe if was tooth related or how I slept but I have noticed it before so will be a bit more vigilant if it happens again hopefully not. Hope your feeling a bit better juro it’s just a worry after everything wev gone through Rozita x