numbness under the toes - any advice?

I have bone mets in the spine, pelvis and ribs. I am on aromasin and zometa. Over the last few days I have started to feel numbness under my toes which seems to come and go. I am going to mention it to my onc but I am guessing it could be the start of some spinal cord compression. Has anyone suffered this and if so what is the treatment?

Hi I know that this might not help but if your on chemo you can get numbness in feet and hands my feet and legs have been bad since I started but I’m sure others be along sn to help u

Hi Laura, I finished chemo in April but I know it can take a while to get out of your system.

My onc told me most of the time it goes but some get perm dam hope u get some answers sn my fingers are hell just feel so weird num it’s horried can’t feel much tc

Hi Ramsfan,

I finished my chemo the same time as you, Docetaxol x6, 3 weeks apart, the tip of my fingers went numb about 2 weeks after finishing, then about 3 weeks after that under my toes on my left foot went numb and still are, I find it difficult to walk when I first get out of bed and if I have sat for a while too,

It does pass so I am told, but it varies from person to person, I have also lost a couple of finger nails, and losing big toe nail on left foot where most of the numbness seems to be, dont know if the numbness also means the nails are falling off!

If it is causing you concern you could go to your gp although I have found my gp looking on the computer when I have been explaining some of my chemo related ses !!!

you could also contact your onc who would probably be more helpful hope you improve soon love liz x

Thanks Liz, that’s interesting although I had a different Chemo to you EC. I have also lost a toe nail so your symptoms sound very similar to mine. I see the surgeons today following my lumpectomy so I am going to mention it to them. Do you have bone mets in your spine like me?

Spoke to my surgeon today about the numbness and she said it would probably be the chemo, but to monitor it and mention it to my Onc in September when I see him. Feeling a bit relieved but will see how things go.

Hi all

I am 6 months post chemo which was FEC and then TAXOTERE. Still experiencing numbess and strange frozen feeling in my toes. Was advised this peripheral neuropathy caused by the TAX. Told it likely to go over time, but on rare occasions it doesn’t. Best wishes all. J.

did you have tax? I am now 2 years post tax chemo and still have numbness in some of my toes and 2 big toe nails still very discoloured.Numbness is nowhere as bad as it was and is only in some of the toes,but it does seem to take some time to work it,s way out of the system. However others i have spoken to others who recovered much quicker so I think maybe i was just on the unlucky list.

My middle toe on both feet are a bit numb. Reflexology helps. I did have tingly fingers but they have almost disappeared
X sarah

I’ve just had my 4th Taxotere and my little finger and ring finger have gone numb and the side of my hand.I’m only pleased it is my left hand as I’m right handed.I’ve also got 3 black toe nails.These are side effects of the taxotere, I’m only hoping it goes away again when I’ve finished.

Hi Lucinda

Yes, I had taxotere and am six months post last chemo. Definitely getting better, however I find when I wear boots of closed shoes it comes back and my feel cramp. Dreading the winter as I don’t know what my feel are going to be like. Will just need to take sandals with me!! nails geting better too, though still splitting very easily. Just keep saying to myself, if the Tax has done the worst to any rogue blighters then it is worth it. Sometimes I can firmly convince myself of that, others, is not so easy. Take care all. J.

Hello there I had taxotere and I got numbness in my fingers and toes, nearing the end of my treatment. It did not last and did wear off once I finished the chemo. I had 6 cycles. Hope this helps x