Hi everyone,
this is a little embarassing. I used to be a qualified nurse. I had a breast cancer diagnosis in 2015, have had a mastectomy, ld flap, chemo and radio. I feel fine. I work full time in a hospital but not clinically. I really want to return to nursing and have been accepted on a return to nursing course. I was so excited but then realised I probably can’t accept it. I have lymphoedema in my left arm and wear a sleeve. I’m devastated. I just didn’t think about it (or was I in denial?). I desperately want to work with patients again. I’m 50 although I feel so much younger in so many ways. I need to contact the managers who offered me the placement and let them know about the lymphodema but I actually feel embarassed. They will probably wonder why I applied in the first place. I’ve wasted their time. I keep thinking about how I could do it. My arm isn’t too bad and maybe they will let me wear a disposable sleeve. I’m being delusional arent i?
I don’t want to be rejected because of something that’s not in my control but I presume that is what is going to happen. I know there’s an infection control issue although I believe if you are a muslim you may now wear disposable sleeves but I don’t think that’s the only issue. Has anyone else had this problem?
I’m devastated to be honest. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for so long. When you think you are better and can get on with your life and do something meaningful you are brought back to earth with a bump.
Thank you for letting me say this to some one. I don’t think anybody else would really understand. I’m puttin off emailing them because it was so nice to be offered the position.
Any advice or words of wisdom greatly appreciated,
Helen x