NY 2021 & thanks

Just wanted to thank you all who have posted on this forum this past year…you all have given me hope and have helped me come to terms with my new normal. As we all know, an MBC diagnosis is a bitter pill to swallow, so to all ‘the newbies’  who are where I was this time last year - be strong, it will be ok! 
Wishing us all a stable road ahead for 2021. Stay safe and let’s hope it’s a good one for us ALL regardless of the paths that lie ahead for each and everyone of us x

Thank you for sharing your message Beebs  :slightly_smiling_face:  We are very pleased you have found the Forum a helpful space.

We’d like to add our messages of hope that 2021 will be a better year for us all.

Sending warm wishes to all users of this Forum.


What a lovely message Beebs!  Thanks for sharing that and I’ll add my thanks to yours, without this forum and everything I’ve learned here, I don’t think I’d have coped half as well.

I’ll ditto what Beebs has said…thank you everyone