Hhi, I was diagnosed with primary bc in March 2014 (a tiny 11mm grade 3 tumour, very oestrogen and progesterone responsive, lumpectomy, no lymph node involvement). I had radiotherapy, together with Tamoxifen and monthly Zoladex injections (as an alternative to chemotherapy which I declined).
Fast forward to June 2016 when a CT scan for something completely unrelated to breast cancer revealed that I suspected bone mets to sternum. A PET scan then confirmed this (and found other bone mets in my pelvis, femur, spine, rib). Fortunately, I have no symptoms whatsoever (no pain, no fatigue, nothing) and run a 5K 3 times a week. I’m still on Zoladex but have been switched to Letrozole since the secondary diagnosis (the cancer must have become resistant to the Tamoxifen). I’m also having monthly Denosumab injections to strengthen my bones. The last CT scan in November showed a healing response in my sternum and stable bone mets elsewhere. No cancer in liver, lungs etc, so just in bones at the moment. My CA 15-3 tumour markers are low at about 62 every month.
Ive been off sick for 7 months now and my employer has now referred me to Occupational Health (OH). My plan is to utilise all 12 months of my sick pay and then ask to retire on ill health. I have to speak to OH tomorrow afternoon and just wondered how to approach this. OH services are provided by an external company which invoice my employer. Should I:
a. Be honest. Tell them that I have a terminal illness, that I’m not returning to work and want to retire on ill health. I will then almost certainly lose the rest of my sick pay (they will only give me sick pay on the basis that I’m returning to work) or
b. Don’t tell OH about my terminal illness until I’ve used up all my sick pay and want to retire on ill health. If I go down this route, how do I discuss what treatment I’m having without revealing that ive got incurable cancer? For example, she will be asking about what surgery I’ve had etc. I can’t exactly tell her that I haven’t had any surgery since 2014 because the cancer is now in my bones not my boobs and now inoperable!
Im not sure what to do. If she asks for permission to obtain a report from my GP, then I will refuse it. Ive been advised to be non-committal and say things like ‘I’m not feeling well at the moment but hope to feel better in the future’. I’m ok with this. It’s the answers to the probing questions about what treatment I’ve had that I’m struggling with.
In short, how can I answer her questions without revealing my terminal diagnosis? Or, should I just be honest when I speak to her tomorrow? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Scuba chick x