She’s taking her niece to dancing probably for the last time until chemo is done. Tomorrow we’ll go into London for some Chinese food for lunch while doing some shopping in-between.
Glad your not feeling too bad PC, I might even venture out in a bit for some fresh air, I didn’t dare yesterday in case something occurred, don’t ant to get too cocky though.
Barry I ate pretty much my normal diet yesterday including fruit and veg, luckily I love sprouts!! I did take a couple of laxatives before bed mad I can confirm the eagle has landed lol, just need to keep it moving even if laxatives are what’s required x
Hooray for the eagle Jayne. I’m sure that will make you feel better along with the fresh air. I’m not dressed yet but might venture to the bottom of the garden shortly. x
Caffy, I counted from the first day after chemo. Don’t know what the proper definition is.
I didn’t venture out until day 3 when I went for a very short and very slow walk.
Now on day 15 and walked to the drs today for my flu jab and back - about 3km.
Head was tingly all night and expected to wake to a pillow covered in hair. Not to be - still all there and nothing came out when I washed it this morning. Hopefully the cold cap works ladies!
Hi Chris, sounds like you are coping okay despite the disturbed night. Fingers crossed you have seen the worst of it. It is funny how we are all so different isn’t it? I’m really anxious that I seem to be getting away with it quite lightly so far and am sure I’m going to pay later. There does seem to be some activity in my tummy but I’m hoping that it’s moving downwards rather than upwards!
I don’t seem to be suffering too much with sense of taste yet but I have been craving pineapple and had a few chunks with breakfast which tasted lovely and refreshing.
I don’t know the answer to your question about which day is day one etc but would like to know too. xx
Yep think of it as a countdown Emma. And you’re right, you Nikki and all these ladies are definitely not alone x
I had anti nausea at the hospital before they started. A ight little cocktail of tablets. I took some more before dinner last night. I dread to think what it would have been like without it Barry.
glad to hear from you Chris. Sorry you were poorly but you sounds in good spirits.
i have some injections to start on day 5 and I checked with the nurse that day 1 is the day of treatment so day 5 is Tuesday.
Good to see another Emma. Great name!!!
Emma D
Did they give you Emend Emma? Everyone raves about it’s effectiveness x
Hi Bazza I’m from August. In answer to your question, if you have your chemo in the morning, most people start to feel a bit queasy or nauseous or sick ( if you’re unlucky) that evening. If you have it in the afternoon, then it’s more like during the night/next morning. The next 2 days seem to be like morning sickness for most, which lifts the day after. We all seem to feel a bit weird about food for another couple of days/some get funny taste/other find things taste strange but even that has usually gone by day 6/7. Most had loads of food cravings the day after steroids end (usually day5). I had a lot of SE, but I was over the worst by day 4 (counting chemo as day 1). If your wife has decided to do the cold cap tell her to take some painkillers an hour before. It really helps. People also swear by lorazepam. Good luck for next week. BBx
Thanks BB. Is Lorazepram an anxiety medicine? x
I’ve got emend Barry, but only two for today and tomorrow. Not sure if they gave me one in hospital. I’ve also got ondansetron and then lansoprazole to take every day and dexamethasone for 3 days. Think it’s those that are making me jittery. I’ve got some other stuff to take as required if the above doesn’t work, but haven’t done so so far.
Yes Emma is a fab name ?
i got ondansetron & metoclopramide for I between, I still feel nauseous but had some soup at lunch time & it’s still down!! I was given a diary sheet to keep for SE to take back at next session & my wig referral has been sent which I am fortunate to get first wig free. Emma N xx
Thanks Hopalong and Bibi for your experiences - interesting to see what might come up and when.
The dexmethasone is certainly making me feel quite jittery and possibly a bit too “up” for the few hours after taking it. I had to force myself to relax although I don’t normally find that too much of a hardship and I’ve just had a 1.5 hour nap.
Feel vaguely queasy now and very burpy. I’ve never experienced heartburn before but wonder if that that little joy is to come. I also think I smell a bit chemically - has anyone else notice this?
I’m also vaguely grumpy that at this time on autumn Saturday night I’d normally be settling down on the sofa with a glass of wine to watch Strictly Come Dancing but tonight it’ll have to be ginger beer. Oh well, I don’t think I’ve a lot to complain about really!
Good wishes to all. x
I know what you mean about the glass of wine PC, say here with a glass of Pepsi max, whilst the other half had a glass of wine.
I keep getting my tablet combination mixed up, and I ended up taking my steroid at 5pm and not lunch time which I’m hold is not a good move as it will keep me awake, we I’ll just have to see.
Think I’ve been fairly lucky do far. I got a call from an oncology nurse from the hospital today to see how I was, said I didn’t feel too bad, and she said I may get away with it now, fingers crossed, but don’t want yo talk too soon.
have a good night everyone xx
Keep sharing your news ladies. It’s tough, but good to talk. Personally on fec I found my symptoms kicked in the next day. I had all my treatments on Friday as hubby works from home and could do school runs. Felt nauseous and totally wiped out over the weekend, gradually felt better Monday and Tuesday, back to normal and working Wednesday!
Once I moved onto weekly taxol there was no major up and down with symptoms… Unfortunately just a gradual decline into exhaustion - but no sickness!!!
Just keep reporting ses to the professionals and they’ll adjust your meds accordingly xx
Hi all great to read your stories as you all seem to be coping really well!! I only wish I’m as brave as you all when I start… Still nervous about it being weekly and still trying to go to work. I think today it’s kind of sunk in and didn’t have a good morning but reading all your posts inspires me to get on with it and be positive. Hope you all have a peaceful restful night and a chilled Sunday x x x
Hi Jojo, so glad you’re passed the nausea now. Yes I have had slightly achy thighs, but only For a couple of hours before it went off. I seem to have had almost every side effect but only very mild, and pretty short lived (apart from the early vomiting!) Have you had the food cravings? That was my longest running SE, but I just went with it and stuffed my face for a few days! That seems to have passed now. It’s the desamethasone that does that to you I think. Have a good Sunday xxx
P.s that temp does seem a bit low…but are you confident your thermometer is accurate? Might be worth borrowing another thermometer just to check it. Mine has generally been just a tiny shade under 37 (36.9 just now) apart from when I was flushed from the steroids and it was 37.5. i bought a new Braun digital thermometer just before starting chemo…we never had one when the kids were small as I always thought that you could tell when they had a temp by touching them, and knowing the precise number doesn’t really help! Xxx
Jojo, did you take your temperature before starting the treatment? I took mine for about a week just so that I would know what my “normal” is (around 36.3). One of the girls I met at Maggies said that the Boots digital thermometers (which I am using) read low and that some patients were advised to get them recalibrated.
I think so long as you know what your normal is you can guage when/if it goes up. Just remember to tell the helpline what your normal temperature is.
For those of you cold capping, now on day 17 and no hair loss.
When do you start Marie?
I had a much better night last night. Slept from 8.30 and had to get up twice to pee! Having another easy day today but do plan on actually leaving the house!! I had to take some Senna last night but my eagle hasn’t landed yet ;-)). I do feel quite hungry and craving savoury things. Yesterday afternoon I sat down with a plate of ham and pickled gherkins. The steroids are definitely making me feel jittery. I’m rather pleased they finish tomorrow!