October 2015 Chemotherapy starters - please join!

Sunny in central London too. Tube was a nightmare this morning. Definitely has put Nikki working during chemo

I’ve rung the helpline a couple of times and they were really helpful. First time just to check I could take something for a headache - bit pathetic I know but it was the day after my first treatment and I was home alone! The second time was to check whether I could have a flu jab.


Both times they were really helpful and don’t make you feel like you are wasting their time. I would say the resource is there so if you are unsure about anything then give them a ring.


I’ve been catching up with stuff on Iplayer. Quite looking forward to the skiing season so I can watch all the biathlon races this season (sad I know, especially for someone who has never skiied in their life).


Beautiful here in Nottingham. Up in my “office” in the summer house supposedly working for a few hours so I won’t feel so guilty spending the afternoon sewing!

Just getting ready to venture out to get my wig from Maggies in Nottingham. Hope it looks ok ?. My stomach cramps seem to have subsided now and hoping I stay well for my trip out. I’m sure I’ll be shattered later.  I’m popping into the office today to pick my mail up and use the copier (how sad), but this is an exciting thing in my life at the mo.


i had a couple of tears this morning watching Lorraine, there was a lady with secondary cancer, and I must admit this is a constant worry, I don’t want to mention this to my hubby as it may not even be something that has even occurred to him and don’t want to start him panicking (as he will). I need to man up!!


Bazza, I’ve been told to contact the unit if my temp is 38 or above, or even if my temp isn’t 38, but I feel shivery and feverish.


Jayne x

I had a lovely walk this morning with friends, and it was good to get out in the sunshine.  I think I have may overdone it though.  Trying to be brave I acted like everything was OK, but it was probably too much to soon.  I’ve come home and got straight into my pjs and now don’t even have the energy to knit.  I’m also feeling ill.  I think my digestive system is not quite right.  I get hungry, and absolutely have to eat in the morning, and then I spend the rest of the day feeling bloated like I’ve over eaten.  I know I need to eat to get my system moving, but I’m starting to think I may feel better if I don’t for a meal or two.  I’m drinking so much water that I panic if I don’t have my bottle with me.


no hair loss yet, but feeling very achy today…even my face.  I started the immune boosting injections yesterday and they said that could make me ache.  Fun this chemo game isn’t it??!!  Perhaps I need to set my expectations a little lower.  I was hoping after the first few days it would be a steady improvement to feeling more myself.  That may be a bit too ambitious.



I’m feeling a bit out of sorts today as well Emma D. Definitely getting a cold sore or ulcer on my bottom lip and just generally feel a bit washed out. The metallic taste is really at its worst today as well.  I’m waiting for my HR department to get in touch to have a catch up but they’ve not arranged anything yet which makes me feel a bit anxious. The last thing I should be worrying about at the moment is work but I’m finding my thoughts all over the place today. It’s our wedding anniversary tomorrow and I really wanted to treat hubby to a nice dinner as he’s been so fantastic these last few months but not sure I’ll have the energy to go out.


Sure things will get better and I know I’ve been lucky so far but just feel like saying “gahhh” to it all today. x


I’ve just had a call to go in early tomorrow to have a blood test before treatment. Apparently my white blood cell count is slightly low. I’m surprised as I have felt absolutely fine since the first treatment. Perhaps it is a good thing that I will be getting the injections to bring home tomorrow.

Hi all,


It is really good to read all your posts and to know there are others going through the same thing.


i have just started my chemo, first session on Tuesday. I am on FECx3 then Tx3. Felt great on Tuesday until the evening but have been feeling nauseous ever since and am struggling to find anything I want to eat. Anyone got any suggestions!


Elaine x

Hi, I am really new to all this. Due to have my first chemo next week 22nd October, I will be having 6 sessions of FEC80 been told by my oncologist that the side effects will be minimum due to dosage, not sure what to expect, I’m feeling very anxious and scared at the moment. Katrina xx

I think I’ve been hit by the chemo bus.  I slept all afternoon yesterday, and had to take more anti sickness tabs.  I felt rotten all night.  Got myself in an emotional state having to g out of bed this morning to get my son to school.  Thankfully hubby is back now and I can relax a bit on that.  This week has been tough without him.  I’m now trying some ginger tea with toast and marmite.  I have a headache, feel achy and exhausted, hungry and yet nauseous at the same time.  Today is the first day I plan on spending in bed.  Not what I had expected after feeling so good after day 2.

good luck to and Nikki today Barry.  She’ll be fine.  My best advice is take the meds including the laxative right from the word go!

Morning all.


Sorry to hear your are having a horrible day Emma D. Nothing wrong with a day in bed and listening to your body. I’m sure having your hubby home will make you feel a lot better emotionally at least. I had an emotionally low day yesterday but feel more positive today and on day 7 the nausea is definitely subsiding and I’ve not taken any anti-sickness meds at all. The only weird thing is that my cheeks feel really flushed and hot although the rest of me is fine.


Agree with all the nausea tips. Little and often is best and like Ele J, I have been craving salty and savoury foods when normally I have a sweet tooth. Can’t think of anything nicer than a bit of strong cheddar at the moment. I’m also a convert to the smoothie and it’s a great way of getting some fruit and veg and, most importantly, eagle inducing fibre which keeps things moving.


Chris, glad to see you again after a few days - was wondering if you were okay.


Nikki and Barry - thinking of you both and hope to hear from you later today.



I’ve just gone for lunch. Her mum and dad are with her now. A few tears but she’s doing really well with the cold cap and now chemo x

2 down 6 to go!


Had to go in early for bloods this morning which was good as it meant I had almost finished my treatment by the time my original appointment time came round.


I have been trying all sorts of smoothies - didn’t think much of pumpkin so won’t bother with that one again. had a fig smoothie this morning.


Keeping my fingers crossed that my body will react the same to this round as it did the first, really feel sorry for those of you suffering with sickness



Bazza, you do get hit with an awful feelibg as chemo stsrts. It’s like everything comes flooding in., diagnosis, treatment, outcomes. It is hard to hold it together. Just being there and holding her hand will help. Don’t be afraid to talk about how you are coping. You are also on this journey and the nurses csn be there for you as well. You will both get through this together. xx

Liz, we were like 1 down! When we came out. Apparently the Zoladex needle is huge!

Hi everyone, thank you so much for your reassuring words, not feeling as anxious now about next week, going for a echo cardiograph tomorrow. The nurse advised me not to try the cold cap as she said with the combination I’ll be having I will definitely lose my hair. My husband has bought me one of those nitra ninja blenders as well looking forward to my shakes. Hope you all feel better soon. Sending big hugs to all of you xxx

Starting my chemo on 22nd Oct,trying to approach it with an open mind,case of suck it and see. Hoping it will not be too bad,prepared for the hair loss,I don’t have a crowning glory anyway,so hats and scarves will do me!!.Any advice and tips would be gratefully received…

Everyone gone out this evening so watching the track cyling championships. Joanne Roswell shows how fantastic you can look with no hair. As well as “Chemo is your friend” if my hair comes out I think it will be a case of “embrass your baldness” (although my head is covered in moles so may look very strange!)

Hi Fiona, im in the same boat as yourself, first chemo next week was feeling very anxious and scared, It’s good to know there are people out there who understand how you feeling. Some of these lovely ladies gave me some hope that it’s not as bad as you think it’s going to be. Hope it all goes well for you keep in touch. Katrina xx

Hi ladies (and gentleman!) Looks like you’ve got a really good supportive group here. I’m from November 14 thread (although started 31 October!). Keep talking and sharing, its really not as bad as you think it will be.

For me the nausea and fatigue were the worst - take all meds you’re given even if you don’t think you’ll need them (ie anti nausea and laxatives) as if you don’t take them it’ll be worse!

Cold capping is fab! My hair is better than before!

Keep talking and sharing and tap into your network of good friends to give you support - it’s amazing how you find out who the real good friends are x

Hmmm we wasn’t given any laxatives I don’t think :frowning: x