Sorry to hear you haven’t been good Chris. I do hope you are much better by now.
i can feel the fog coming in. Woke up with a banging head this morning, after a disturbed night of thirst and several toilet trips (and happenen to catch my 13 year old son downstairs midnight foraging at 1.30. Rumbled!). I’m feeling hungry and yet full at the same time. I think this is where I went wrong last time and ate to my appetite, but didn’t pay enough attention to what else was going on in my digestive system. So as much as I want a bacon and egg sandwich that hubby was suggesting, I think it will be toast and marmite that I can nibble on.
Rosie I remember the picture thing being a bit tricky. You need to load it in the my photos bit of you profile. Remember to save it as well as I didn’t do that at first and couldn’t figure it out. It says the admins need to approve but mine was instant. Let me know if you’re still stuck and I’ll go back and see if I can give you a step by step.
Speaking of photographs. A lady popped in from the May thread I think and mentioned that they had set up a Facebook group. Now I certainly don’t want to move away from this forum and onto Facebook, but it would be nice to share pictures of hair loss, wigs, hats, scarf tying etc. We could set up an online photo album or something like that, that we could use in conjunction with the wonderful support and friendship on this thread. I’m happy to investigate if anyone thinks it might be nice as well.
Just a quick one, has anyone experienced runny eyes, making the corners of my eyes sore, and sorry about this one but seem to be very windy (I know probably a bit too much info), luckily it’s not offence, just noisy lol, keep getting odd looks from my hubby.
Off out for Sunday lunch at my friends today, looking forward to having someone else cook.
Not suffered from watery eyes or windiness thankfully!
My arm however is sore when I straighten it (the arm the cheme goes into). Only started after FEC2. Will mention it at my next appointment as I don’t want it to get worse. Anyone know whether they can use the arm with the “infected” lymph nodes? I have not yet had an operation so not sure whether or not I can - again something for me to ask on Wednesday.
Had a good, but tiring, day yesterday. The band I was helping out came 3rd and saw a couple of people that I have not seen since I left Bristol 25 years ago! Now living in Nottingham by the way so fairly near you Janey.
Plan to have a quiet day today - bit of sewing, etc. Looking forward to getting the kids back to school tomorrow!
I don’t know about the arm with the lymph nodes, but I think if they are still there then it’s ok. I believe you only need to be careful when the nodes have been removed, and then that’s for blood pressure readings etc.
I don’t have runny eyes Janey, but they are blurry. I know this got better last time, but I couldn’t read the score on the telly during the rugby yesterday. Not like me at all. Not windy either, but still no eagle to report either. ?
Hi all, thanks for all your kind words, I’m finally starting to emerge from the nausea and puking! No runny eyes but wind - yes, no eagle either yet, might have to crack open the laxatives tonight as don’t want that problem!
I’m not out of bed yet, but beginning to think about a shower and a trip downstairs. Have managed to polish off a bacon sandwich, made by my lovely and concerned hubby.
I kep keep cathcing glances of the reflection of my horrid patchy bald head and can’t quite believe it’s me!
Still seem to be shedding hair like crazy but just tiny short bits now!! And I’m very disappointed my legs are still as hairy as ever and no Brazilian either (though not so disappointed about that!!)
Emma D a Facebook group would be great, I love FB, though I can see I’ll be spending even more time online!!
Hope everyone is feeling Ok, and good luck to everyone having treatment this week. It’s not much fun, but it’s not for ever and it’s got to worth it in the long run. Chemo is our friend.
Just to put your mind at rest, our Facebook page is totally private, boobs flaw can see anything or even search our group. For us it has given us all the hand holding support, humour, as rude or as angry as you want without being judged and no moderator to tell you what is acceptable. I agree the bcc site is great but our own group was and is so much more personal. X
Hi everyone. Glad to hear that you are both feeling marginally better Chris and Jojo.
Liz, my chemo nurse on Friday asked if I’d had a sore arm since my last dose but I haven’t yet. I did feel it going in more this time though but as soon as they stopped administering any discomfort went away.
And yes, I’ve had watery, slighly itchy eyes as well but thankfully little activity at the other end in the way you are describing (although have had a visit from the eagle today :smileyhappy:). I’m sure that new indignity is to come though.
Had another steroid-fulled tidy today. If only I could always be this motivated to do housework! Then watched the final day of the World gymnastics championships then, despite steriods, had a siesta. And now it’s almost 6.45. Head is really, really uncomfortable today, scalp horribly prickly and I’m wearing one of my sleep caps constantly.
Thanks for setting up the group Emma D. Will pop over to FB shortly and join.
Evening ladies, hope everyone is feeling better / recovering from their recent chemo sessions.
I have an onc appointment tomorrow ahead of Thursday’s FEC2. Hoping to find out if they’re going to go ahead with a picc line as recommended by the chemo nurses.
Also wondering how successful others have been in requesting Emend? We requested at my first onc appointment and were told that they would put it down on my file but I wasn’t prescribed it for my first chemo session. I’m going to ask for it again tomorrow as I was terribly sick after FEC1 but just wondering how likely I am to get it?
Hi Nikki, I phoned the chemo unit between sessions 1 and 2 to let them know I had been vomiting for a full 24 hours after the first despite taking all the anti-sickness they’d given me. I didn’t apecifically ask for Emend but the chemo unit emailed the oncologist and when I saw him the day before session 2 a prescription for Emend had already been added to my file. I think they don’t give it first time as they want to see how you go…lots of people aren’t sick even without it. But if you are, I imagine they will be very willing to add it. Just make sure you are explicit about how often and for how long you were throwing up!!
Thanks Ele - I had to phone the 24 hour number the chemo unit gave me as I was so sick the evening of my first session and had previously been told not to take any meds until day 2. I’m hoping they’ve made a note of my call and informed my oncologist…fingers crossed x
Welcome Hazel, and good luck for tomorrow Kazzer. We do a great line in virtual hand holding. Xx
I had an hours nap this afternoon and still fell asleep during downton abbey. Things I have done today… Made a bread and butter pudding, helped hubby with some savouries he was making, and made Yorkshire pudding. What a load of tosh!!! I just can’t get myself moving to do anything. Oh, also set up a Facebook group ??.
Hopefully will feel more awake tomorrow. I told myself this time I wouldn’t expect anything of myself for a week. That is proving harder than I thought.
Welcome Hazel! Pleased you’ve jumped over to join us :)
Virtual hand holding Kazzer for the morning. Hope all goes smoothly. I don’t have to take steroids before treatment.
Interesting the variations on treatments that there are just for breast cancer. I sometimes have difficulty getting some people to understand that treatments vary between cancers and so do side effects.
I’ve found this a really useful place to find out answers to questions and learn from experiences - thanks for sharing.
I wear a fitbit flex wristband that counts my steps. Goal is 10,000 per day (very rarely achieved!) Today I did 58 steps!! Bed to loo a few times and downstairs for some dinner!! Good news is that although I’m awake too early the nausea seems to have lifted a bit today and I feel more human, might even get out of the PJs today!!
Sleep patterns disrupted but I think it was worse after EC 1 than this time although not great now. Wake often, takes ages to fall to sleep and often awake early doors. Don’t mind if I’m resting my body in some ways but first time it was really bad at the beginning. I’m not at work because of nature of work I do so I can catch up if need to with cat nap so I’m fortunatate. Don’t have children at home any more either. That being said, Gwyneth at work keeps saying I’m busy! Don’t think I am though and the broken sleep is definitely affecting my concentration! Like you Emma, not got any sewing done and thought I’d do lots!
Hoping to close last of work files today so I can rest about that one :)
Hope all goes well tomorrow Fiona - think I’m going to request something like lactulose as it’s still massive problem and can’t help feeling it contributes to both sickness feeling and headaches never mind migraines.
Can’t believe I’m halfway to EC 3 already. Time is going quickly. Look forward to day when food tastes right too - when you fancy something and cook it and it doesn’t tickle those taste buds. Just doesn’t hold same interest. Nurse said I would want to eat loads on couple of days I think I get steroids at beginning - feel too sick! Mind you, scales not following that! Having said that, not got out as much perhaps either.
Hope all goes well Jazzer - you had early start.
Better day day for each one and be kind to you if possible. Thanks for FB Emma D.
Morning all. I seem to be sleeping remarkably well most of the time considering that I often didn’t always before all this started and all the extra water I’m drinking. I wonder if it’s because I’m worrying a lot less about work related issues at the moment which was the thing that used to keep me awake?
Isn’t it funny how there are different approaches to our treatment through the chemo? I’ll only be having the self-injections for the T and not the FEC like you Emma D. I wonder why that is?
Glad to see you back Fiona and that you are not having any of the really grim side effects so far.