October 2015 Chemotherapy starters - please join!

Hi Emma, I’m having trouble with finding you on Facebook and the link.  can you add me as a friend Jayne Brough and then add me to the group??



Jayne xx

I think I’ve got you Jayne!!

Thanks Emma, up and running x

Morning all.  First day of my immune injections today.  I think they were what made me feel rotten last time so fingers crossed that won’t be the case this time.


just a reminder about Facebook group.  Has everyone joined that wants to?  It’s really lovely for sharing pictures, and easier to follow a conversation and know whose you want to reply to.


The hair drop seems to be slowing, though I’ll see if that remains the case when I get in the shower in a bit.  


Love and hand holding to anyone having treatment today,


Emma D x

Morning Emma, if you start getting bone pain, even if it is just a bit niggly. Call your chemo nurse as there are painkillers you can take. I have just been given Tramadol. I had problems after the 6th injections. They told me to take 1 paracetamol. It took the edge of tje pain for a while but my liver function is now off and I cannot take paracetamol anymore. I have got to take 10 injections this time. They do work as I did not end up in hospital this time. All the best. xx

Morning everyone.


With regards to the injections, which I’ve been told I won’t have until I move onto the T, is it just one per day for a certain period in the cycle? I notice you mention you have had six before and ten this time Suzy. Have people had them from the very start of FEC? I’m just curious to know as to why I’ve not had any yet.


Hope the new drug regimene works for you this time Suzy.


With regards to hair, I think tomorrow will be decision day as to whether I go for the chop or try to preserve and keep cold-capping. Still lots falling out when I take my night cap off and I think I’m starting to go for the Kim Jong-un look that, I think it was Ele J, had a few weeks ago. Hair wash tomorrow so think that will be the big test.


Hope everyone has a good day.

Hugs to alll xx

I have 7 days of injections starting day 5.  It’s really interesting to see how different hospitals do things.  I too ibuprofen last time.  Everything hurt, even touching the skin on my face.  It was Wednesday last time that I climbed back into bed and didn’t emerge again until Thursday evening.  Not nice thinking I may be on the brink of at again, but at least I know to expect it.



Perhaps my docs think I’m “super-immunity woman” or something? Must be all the spinach.


Hope it all goes well today Fiona.


Really enjoying the Facebook group - thanks so much for setting it up Emma.



I’m in oncology at the moment, had arm pain this morning, slowly getting worse and they’ve asked me to come in, I’ve had bloods taken and just waiting for the results. I’ve not had any injections and I’m on FEC at the moment, has anyone else?

I’m on EC and have had the injections from the start. I have them for 10 days starting day after chemo. Think it is standard practice at my hospital as last time I was there they were giving to a man next to me and it was his first session.

Good job I do have them because I’ve still been borderline every time!

Hi Peggycat, I was started on the injections from my first bout of neutropaenic sepsis. The chemo hammered my immune system as my liver doesn’t metabolise the chemo as quickly as most people. The oncologist would normally only give GCSF with the Taxotete but my issues with neutropeania led to a rethink for me. Not looking forward to the bone pain but necessaryto get me tthrouggh it all. xx

 Hi Peggycat and Janey


I’ve not had any injections either (thankfully). The consultant mentioned them at my last visit but didn’t give me any. Got bloods tomorrow so hopefully the results will be good enough for my 3rd session on Thursday.

Thanks for your response Suzy - it helps to have some idea of why we all seem to have different experiences. I see from some of the other threads that you have had a change of plan this week for your treatment which sounds disruptive - hope it goes okay and that I don’t sound like some crazy stalker following you around this site :smileyhappy:


Good luck with the bloods tomorrow Liz. With luck you’ll be halfway over by the end of this week.



Just a bit of a shock when told yesterday. Chemo nurse rang today to tell me about change. Got an extra day of feeling good before chemo. Something to celebrate. Stalk away.xx

Hi Ladies

sorry I haven’t posted for a few days. Had picc line fitted on Monday, wasn’t so bad, as with everything else, just fear of the unknown. Hopefully Fec2 on Thursday will be a lot easier now. 

Also went to Look Good Feel Better at Macmillan Centre in the hospital, really lovely bag of goodies, so go if you get the chance.


Emma, I tried the link for fb, you posted a few pages back, but couldn’t get on. I’m not great with FB, could you just tell me how to find the group again (sorry)!


worn the wig out a few times now, so getting more confident with it, but love to take it off when I get home. 


Like me some others, very windy ? too!


Decided  to try castor oil on the eyebrows and lashes so will keep you posted.


Drat, sorry Liz.

Hi Jules.  If you find me on Facebook…




send me a friend request and I’ll add you to the group.


It’s my second day of injections today and the side effects for me have kicked in already.  I’m achy, and even my skin hurts.  My arms were too heavy last night as well.  Another easy day for me today as last time this was the day I overdid it trying to regain normality, and seriously regretted it.


Good luck to all today.  Hair, treatment, side effects.  It’s one more day ticked off!!


Emma D xx

Hi all, finally feeling normal again…heartburn has been the worst thing this time so will have to work out how to manage that better next time. Currently sitting in bed with tea and toast, watching Everybody Loves Raymond and listening to the rain, round to a friend’s for coffee later.

Sorry to hear about the injections Emma (and everyone else who has them). They sound nasty. I assume the bone pain is because your bone marrow is working double time to generate new blood cells?

My third chemo is a week today…I’m trying not to count the days down too much as this week should be my good week, but it’s hard not to.

Hope everyone else is having a good day xxx

Morning all.


Ele, my onc prescribed me some Lansoprazole capsules for the reflux post FEC-2 and I have seen a real improvement there. Far less burpy this time around.


Sorry you are sufferering from the injections Emma - take it easy today.


Today is D-day for hair. Obviously the cold cap isn’t working for me which is disappointing but time to move on. On the plus side, we bought some lovely new bedding a few weeks ago and I’ve been reluctant to put it on until I stop shedding so at least I’ll have a brand new pillow case to rest my baldy head on tonight.


Right, off to chop today’s pineapple.


Hugs to all. xx

Good luck with the chop Ruth…I found it harder than I expected initially, though think that was because I was feeling ill at the time too. But now I’m out the other side I’m quite used to being a baldy and it doesn’t bother me day to day at all. Thank goodness it’s winter though and wearing a woolly hat is acceptable…I’d be a bit stuck in the height of summer!

Thanks for the heartburn tip - I know that’s the answer really, I was just trying to avoid more meds, but think that’s probably a bit mad so will ask about if before #3
