Congratulations Ele on getting another one under your belt. Hope your SEs are minimal. And thanks for the advice. I suspect you might be right and it’s folliculitis although not sure how hairy my back was before all this - maybe something my hubby hasn’t been telling me all these years! I dared to Google some images and thankfully my spots are nowhere near as bad as those on offer there but I’ll keep an eye on it and take some medical advice if it gets any worse. xx
Well done Jojo and good luck Rpsie, Fiona, Val and anyone else who is imminent.
I don’t feel too bad today (famous last words…) Felt very nauseous yesterday eve…like being drunk/seasick where you want to lie extremely still. I Thought that maybe the Emend hadnt worked this time, but I wasn’t sick, slept pretty well and feel ok this morning so my faith is restored, Still in bed though, no need to overdo things, right?!
Rosie, unlike most people on here I’m just having 4 X AC so I now only have one more on 2 Dec and I’m done with chemo. Halle -f’ing-lujah if that’s not too profane! Then it’s 3 weeks rads (prob in Jan) and 5 or 10 years Tamoxifen. Plus 5 years aspirin if I get on this Add-aspirin clinical trial.
Glad you are doing okay Ele and quite right not to be overdoing it today … feet definitely should be in the up position for you.
Congratulations Jojo on your milestone, must feel good.
Good luck today Val, Rosie and also to one of our Fionas who is also having next session.
I’m still spotty and irritated. Several more have developed but none as horrid as the original few so that’s something. Have set myself a deadline of tomorrow morning and if no improvement will try to see GP.
Well done Jojo and good luck Rosie, Fiona, Val and anyone else who has a treatment imminently.
I don’t feel too bad today (famous last words…) Felt very nauseous yesterday eve…like being drunk/seasick where you want to lie extremely still. I Thought that maybe the Emend hadnt worked this time, but I wasn’t sick, slept pretty well and feel ok this morning so my faith is restored, Still in bed though, no need to overdo things, right?!
Rosie, unlike most people on here I’m just having 4 X AC so I now only have one more on 2 Dec and I’m done with chemo. Halle -f’ing-lujah if that’s not too profane! Then it’s 3 weeks rads (prob in Jan) and 5 or 10 years Tamoxifen. Plus 5 years aspirin if I get on this Add-aspirin clinical trial.
Hi ladies, not sure if I’ve posted correct or not! I’ve been a lurker for a few weeks and taken some reassurance from everyone’s posts. I thought I’d register as say hello but might not post much. I’m 42 and have a grade 3 cancer, Er neg and her pos. I had my second cycle of fec last Thursday, started in Oct obviously! I have a 5 year old girl and an other half - he says we’re not getting married nowjust cause I’ve got cancer lol!
Anyway, as I say I’ve taken reassurance from tired post and comments about SE. I don’t think I’ve been hit too hard. I’ve taken a week off work after fec but managed to go in most other days but only for a few hours each day - it’s great to have some normality! Time will tell how this progresses though as I’m fully aware when I get docetaxal that might change.
Lk xx
Hi all, quick question for you all. 2 days after my third dose, and my scar from the surgery (round my nipple and out towards my armpit) has become a little red and tender.
It healed really quickly and well after my op in mid-Aug, but I’ve been having slight pain since my chemo started, in the scar and under my armpit where the sentinel nodes were taken.
They got clear margins at my surgery and my nodes were clear, so I’m assuming (hoping) it’s just because the chemo is killing off normal cells as they try and regenerate/heal?? But wondered if anyone else who had surgery pre-chemo has experienced anything similar?
No change in scar for me yet after FEC-2 but I’ve definitely had a few twinges on my bad side. I’ve had an implant recon so a lot of it is quite numb anyway but certainly I’ve felt some tenderness since starting chemo around the site. Nothing major though thankfully.
Ele do you feel better well or do you have a temperature? After my first and second fec mx boob went red and hot to the touch and I was hot/cold with a raging temperature. Turned out I had an infection each time as my white bloods were low. Had antibiotics. Unfortunately my implant got infected and had to be removed.
Don’t want to cast shadow of doom, but just a warning to keep an eye on your temp and see doc if you’re unwell. Fingers crossed x
Morning all, bloody headache this morning, I stupidly attempted a glass of wine last night, (2 previous failed attempts), but I thought I’d persevere and have another go, alas the headache started within an hour of the wine and it’s still lingering this morning. I’m gutted, next weekend we are off on our annual winter jaunt to a beautiful farmhouse in Derbyshire, this will. Be our 8th year, 3 families go, we have mulled wine by the fire (not for me this year) a huge Xmas lunch on Sunday where we exchange gifts, it’s fab, but this year will be tinged with sadness as our lovely friend Andy died of a brain tumour in Feb, so our first year without him ?, also my diagnosis, with this poison. Why does this happen to good people???
Appt on Tuesday morning with onc and pre-chemo bloods, look good, feel better Tuesday afternoon, FEC 3 on Thursday all being well and off on my long weekend away on Friday, a busy week for me.
i’ve been a bit quiet lately. Apologies. Welcome to the new ladies. You’ve found a very supportive bunch of lovely ladies here. We also have a Facebook page school we set up to be able to share pictures etc. If you would like to join that, please send me a friend request, and I will add you. It’s a secret group so you won’t find it yourself…and it also means we can talk about anything, warts and all. I’m Emma.dean3
The infection in my port is clearing up nicely now. I wasn’t aware of it during the night last night, and I think that is the first time in weeks. Looking back it had probably been brewing low level for a while.
I’m on the countdown the FEC3 on Friday. This will be my halfway point as well, so will also shout it rom the rooftops.
Re the Victoria Derbyshire vlog, I also feel she is missing out on the rubbish bits. It also won’t be quit so easy for everyone, so can give the wrong impression. Having said that it is good that she is doing it. I’ll be interested to see the next one, which will cover the bit where I feel at my worst with the injections.
Jayne, I enjoyed a few glasses of vino for a few days between FEC 1 and 2 but have found it’s made me feel tired too quickly post FEC 2 so have cut right back. I’ve tried reduced alcohol wine which I seem to get on with better with but I’m on the wagon again now in preparation for FEC 3 on Friday.
I’m doing around 5 hours work a day, 8 days per cycle but from home. There is no way I could handle two hours of commuting as well. Not sure how long I’ll be able to keep it up though as the tiredness has really got to me this cycle but am trying to put off going on statutory sick pay a bit longer if I can.
Welcome Duranie. I can’t imagine what it must be like going through all of this a second time.
Hi everyone. Not been feeling great today…I think I’ve developed ‘the fog’ that Jojo and some others experienced before. Not exactly a headache but a kind of heavy, fuzzy, swimming-head feeling. Very odd. Plus a metallic taste/buzzing sensation in my mouth. Isn’t strange how it can get you with different things each time?
Hopefully it will pass. I thought I was doing well this time too because I managed the cinema on day 2 and yesterday went down to the seafront to watch my daughter in her first ever 10k! Obviously jinxed myself.
Sorry you are feeling rubbish Ele and hope it passes soon. I seem to be emerging from a few days of extreme tiredness and feeling a bit blue. Hopefully I can enjoy the next three days before they poison me again on Friday!
Thanks Rosie. I’m okay really and definitely feeling a bit more perky this evening. Nice to have you folks to moan to when it all gets too much. Hope you are doing okay. :smileyhappy:
Off to hospital today to see onc this morning and pre chemo bloods - deep joy, more needles, the just after lunch look good, feel better session, looking forward to that and glad it’s on my good week, so can enjoy it without feeling crappy!.
ill tell you all about it later, have a good day ladies x
Hope you enjoy LGFB Jayne. Nice that you are doing it in the afternoon after all of the cr@ppy stuff in the morning.
Onc for me today too and I’ll be trying to get some clarification on the big cheese question. :smileyhappy:
One thing I’ve just noticed is that my glasses feel very unstable these days. Could it be because I no longer have hair around my ears to help anchor them? Wonder if bald men have the same issue?