Ha ha Ele, I don’t think not working has anything to do with an increasingly large arse, I’ve worked almost all the way through barring a couple of days after each chemo session, and believe me my arse is getting mahousive!!! I feel a bit like a bouncy castle at the moment. I know they say you shouldn’t worry too much about your diet whilst going through treatment plant but come on this is ridiculous, everything else drops off during chemo - why not fat!
Evening all.
No, suspect not much partying for me either Ele. Thankfully my best friend and her husband have offered to host Christmas this year so I don’t have to do anything. I just hope I can taste her Christmas dinner as she is a great cook.
Jayne, you have done amazingly well to work so much. I’ve been doing about 5 hours a day for 8 days per cycle but only from home (usually in PJs). That’s been fine but I don’t think I could have commuted AND worked as well.
Funny isn’t it how there are so many different viewpoints of what we are capable of. My oncologist said when we first met *no problem, you will be able to work." My oncology nurse on the other hand was adamant that I should not do too much as getting overtired can lead to the bloods not getting back to normal quick enough. Who to believe? I think we can only go on what we feel like.
Good luck tomorrow Jojo. Will be interested to hear your experiences and am hoping for minimal SEs for you.
Virtual hug to all
Ruth xxxx
I hope the quietness on here means you are all doing well. I pop over just to catch up with how you all are. xx
Hi Suzy, thanks for thinking of us. I see from the September thread that you are very busy with lots of appointments at the moment - hope they all go okay for you.
I’m not doing too badly at all at the moment. FEC-3 for me has been pretty okay from a physical point of view and I’ve not felt too bad at all. I’m very thankful as my elderly mum has a few issues and the moment and I’m just about to go up North for a few days to sort her out. Don’t know how I’d manage it if I was feeling rough. Need to sort it all out though before I start the T a week tomorrow as who knows what I’ll be feeling like then. It’s scary so I’m mentally and practically preparing myself. Am going to try and enjoy this last week of hopefully feeling okay before the next hurdle.
Hope everyone else is doing okay today.
Jojo, no idea what I’ll be like on eight steriods a day. I was buzzing on four and had a spotless house as well. What time of the day are you taking yours? I start taking eight next Thursday in advance of Friday dose. Paperwork says four in the morning and another four with an early supper although my oncology nurse said late lunch for second dose would be okay. xx
Hi all, it has been quite quiet on here recently hasn’t it. Is everyone busy working/Christmas prepping or are lots of you more active on FB?
Glad you are ok the day after your first T Jojo - sounds like no sickness/nausea on this one at least? Hope you continue to feel ok but manage to get some sleep…I was a bit wakeful last night after my 4th (and did I mention final ?) AC but managed to doze off after each without resorting to listening to the Archers podcast on my phone, which is my usual insomnia cure! Apart from when the jaunty music kicks in at the end of each episode and wakes you up again!
I was a bit nervous as they gave me a new anti-emetic rather than Emend yesterday…they assured me it is better than Emend, but I really didn’t want to rock the apple cart. Anyway, so far no voms and feeling reasonably ok today so fingers crossed.
Thanks for checking on us Suzy, hope you are ok.
Ruth, hope you get everything sorted with your mum and managed to have a bit of nice time pre your first T.
Good luck to everyone else approaching your next treatment. Every day is a day closer to getting your normal life back ???
Rock the apple cart? Mixing my metaphors I think…that should be rock the boat, or upset the apple cart I think?!
Ele, so glad you are not feeling too bad today. This is the last time you have to go through it. :smileyvery-happy:
The trip home is going to be “interesting.” My mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s earlier this year as well as having other health issues. I’ve not told her of my diagnosis and treatment as I think it would upset her too much, especially as she is so confused now. So, it’s going to be interesting as to how I deal with my hair, or lack of, issues. I’m hoping my wig will fool her (it’s quite different to my normal hair) along with my other headwear. I used to wear a lot of hats when I was younger so hopefully it won’t seem odd. She does forget I’m there sometimes and comes barging into my bedroom so better make sure I have my sleep cap as well!! It’s horrible not being able to confide in her as I’m an only child and we were always very close but I really think it’s for the best.
Thanks for the tip Jojo. I will bear that in mind. Virtual cuddle also appreciated. xx
Sorry to hear that Ruth, that’s such a difficult situation isn’t it, tough for anyone at any time but so much more difficult with the big C on top.
I think you probably have to go with your instinct about whether/what to tell her…risk with dementia is that even if you tell her she may forget and then you have to go through it again (and again, and again) which I don’t I imagine would be great for her or for you!
But you’ll know what’s right when you’re in the moment, like Jojo says. Best of luck and big hugs x
Thanks Ele. Horrible though it is to say it, one positive side of her condition (for me at any rate) is that it has completely eroded her sense of time so she doesn’t realise that it’s been quite a while since I last visited. And that makes me feel a bit less guilty. I’ll let you know how it all went when I’m back early next week. xx
Countdown on for first session of T.
I know Jayne. I’m a few days after you. Going to really try and enjoy this week and get Christmas sorted before facing it.
Me too, I’m almost sorted, just a few more prezzies to get and wrap, tree up this weekend I think and then chill out till next Thursday. I’m a little apprehensive as I haven’t struggled too badly on FEC, but worried thing may change with T, I’ve heard that pain can be an issue. Is your session Friday?
Hi Jayne, yes, Friday. I have the same worries as you re the pain and plan on asking the Onc next Tuesday what they recommend. I’m also worried about the peripheral neuropathy thing as I’m clumsy enough already without having that to contend with as well.
Anyway, will try to forget about it for today at least. Having something to eat with the girls this evening so that should take my mind off things. Better go and put my face on. :smileyhappy:
Have a lovely evening.
Rosie Wising you a good experience on the weeklies. I’m still ok. I’ll let you know if I start to get cumulative effects, so u know want to expect xx
Hi, how are we all doing this week?
I am feeling a bit rough (bad heartburn again, despite the Lanzoprozole!!) but I’m hoping this time next week I will be out the other side and can count my chemo as done, over, finished!
Rosie - thanks, I have 4 weeks of rads coming up, in Jan I’m hoping, though planning appt is on Thurs so possible they may start sooner?!
I’m very impressed by those of you who’ve done your Christmas shopping…I’ve barely started. Jayne you are like Superwoman!
PC hope your visit to your mum went ok…I was thinking of you this weekend.
Jojo - how’s the T been so far?
Big hugs to everyone X
Ele I think its 3-4 weeks between Chemo and rads they want bloods back to near normal x
Bibi can I ask what steroids you get on weeklies? Are there any taken home after infusion? Im having serious issues with steroids at mo so if similar on weeklies (due in new year) I may need to speak to onc about tailing as they send me so low I need to do something as got 5 cycles to go
Hope you are all well :)
Jen x
Hi everyone,
Ele, sorry you are suffering the heartburn. Hopefully soon to be done with for good. Not long to go. Thanks for thinking of me. It all went fine with mum. She commented when I arrived that she didn’t recognize me in the hat but I told her I’d had a hair cut and my head was cold and she went for it. Storm Desmond helped out I think as it was still pretty grim up there when I arrived so I had a good excuse. Major sign of relief. Shattered now though despite sleeping both ways on the train.
Gearing up for tomorrow’s onc appointment and first T on Friday so big week ahead.
Hope everyone else is doing okay. xxxx
Hi JenJen I felt awful on FEC steroids, so sympathise with you. Weeklies are miles better from a steroid perspective, as no drugs before & on the day only 4mg of dexameth, ranitidine to prevent acidic stomach & piriton to stop allergic reaction (big dose & made me feel like I’d speed drunk a bottle of wine in . . Went from fine to room spinning in 10 mins. If was actually quite unpleasant, so asked if they could put that one in slowly (I have a port so they just whack them in from a syringe if you are using a cannula it might be slower) & fine second time. No drugs to take home except mouthwash. On the day I have varied from coming home & falling into bed for 3 hours to being perfectly OK. I have slept every chemo night if I don’t have more than an hour of sleep in the afternoon. The next two days fine, the two after that still fine in the morning, but tire easily later, then back to fine at the weekend. No real SE yet bar a stuffy nose/sinuses at night. Good luck with it all x ps if you don’t already, get a morning appt for weeklies to help you sleep later.