October 2015 Chemotherapy starters - please join!

Happy Saturday all. Hope everyone is feeling well enough to enjoy some of the weekend.


Rosie, can’t quite believe I’m counting down to my last chemo this coming Friday. Mentioned this over on the FB page but think it might actually be a bit emotional. Much as I’m looking forward to finishing I will sure miss the people who have looked after me so well since early October and some of the other patients I’ve met on the unit. I think the treatment process does provide you with a degree of security for the time you are in it. I have a session at The Haven on Wednesday and am hoping I’ll be able to do some of their getting back to real life counselling when the time comes - I think I’ll need it!


Sending love to all.


Ruth xxxx

Good on you Barry. I did the BM10k last year…it’s a fab route. I’d do it this year if I thought I could get enough fitness back in time!

It gives us a chance to spend a couple of days in Brighton too Ele and thank you for the donation :slight_smile: x

We are on a post chemo weekend away in Worthing that weekend Bazza so may come and cheer you on! Good on you for doing it :slight_smile: x

:slight_smile: Jen x

Good on you Barry. Perhaps you will inspire me one day. xxxx

I think you need to get your chemo finished first Ruth, though not long to go…this time next month you will be not only finished but hopefully out the other side of your side effects too! Plenty of time for 10ks then ?

Ha ha Ele, don’t worry, I’m not exactly in a rush. :smileylol:


Just thinking about it makes me tired!

Hi Gillian,


Congratulations on finishing FEC. Well a lot of us Octonauts (thanks to Ele J for our thread moniker) were really dreading the T as we had heard many negative things about it. I’ve not found it anywhere near as horrible as I’d read although I think Jayne might disagree with me on some things.


For me the main thing has been the increase in tiredness and a bit of downturn in mood particularly these last couple of weeks. I am a grumpy old bag at the best of times when I’m tired and I’ve definitely been a little more emotional this last fortnight although, saying that, there have been a couple of other things going on in my life that might have contributed to that as well.


Apart from that, the main things I’ve experienced after two Ts are:


  • A little peripheral neuropathy in fingers and toes but not enough for them to reduce the dose. This has eased off after two weeks and has not stopped me doing anything

  • After T1 my feet were quite sore and the soles peeled a little. Wearing thick socks and using Udderly Smooth cream or Dr Organic Manuka Honey Foot and Heel cream from Holland and Barrett helps.

  • Some bone pain after the injections which I have days 3 to 10 but again not as bad as I’d been lead to believe. For me it has been like little electric shocks in my shins but I’ve managed to cope with doing the injections just before bed and taking cocodamol which has also helped me sleep. My jaw also ached after T1 but strangely not T2.

  • Dry mouth - slightly more long lasting than on FEC - I’ve eaten a lot more sweets like Fruitella on T to keep mouth moist.

  • Some people talk of the Tax trots. I’ve not had any bad diarrhea but in the morning I do suddenly get the urge to go and have to do so. I always try to make sure that’s out of the way before I venture out in the morning!! Forgive TMI there.


I think that’s it. I wasn’t hugely sick on FEC but don’t miss the mild nausea that came with it.


So, one more to go on Friday and I hope the pattern remains the same. I am expecting to be a bit more tired but if that’s all then I’ll be happy.


Good luck with it all. The end is in sight.


Ruth xxxx

Thanks Gillian.


Not sure about rads for me yet as I’m having node clearance in early March. This was delayed because of a difference in opinion between my surgeon and oncologist which has been a bit of a pain but I’m glad to get the chemo over and done with. I had one node affected when I had my mastectomy but if nothing else is found at clearance then they say rads not necessary. So keep you fingers crossed for me although your words are comforting if it does come to that.


I do hope that you get on with T okay and glad that FEC not too bad for you. Let us know how you get on. xx

The machine is beeping, T is is done. 6 sessions completed yay! I know there is rads, fears of lymphadoema, tamoxifen for 10 years and various check ups over time but. But anyone who has to go through chemo will tell you it feels like a real milestone when you finish your last session.

All my love to those that have finished this month and will do soon or the coming weeks xx

Great news Barry. So pleased for you both. I’ll be following in Nikki’s footsteps tomorrow. :smileyhappy:




Woohoo Ruth! Xx

Woooohooooooooo Nikki & Bazza xx will quaff a schloer in a crystal glass to celebrate for you tonight :slight_smile: and yay Ruth will do the same tomorrow xx

Thanks Jen. Nice to see you over here and hope you are doing okay.



Good luck today Ruth…big milestone!!! X

Last one Ruth :slight_smile: xx

Hi Ruth May all your se be small. Congratulations on last chemo. I’m seeing surgeon as emergency as seroma now as large as normal breast. Looks good when dressed but so heavy and uncomfortable.
Well done Nikki

Thanks everyone. Could not have stayed as sane as I am (debatable I’m sure) without all your encouragement.


Hope they sort the seroma out for you pronto Suzy and you are home safe soon.


See you on the other side.


Ruth xxxx

Hi Ruth, they drained 300 mls which made me more comfortable. It made no difference in the size but so much easier. Was supposed to have Herceptin as a subcutaneous injection but perscription changed to Herceptin and Pertuzamab as iv.
Have a great weekend. xx