oedema of leg

Hi Ladies,

I don’t know if this is the right place to post, but I went to see the lymphoedema nurse today as I have been suffering from a swollen right leg for the past year post diep. Has anyone else had this problem? Concensus of opinion (Surgeon and Nurse) appears to be that the surgery for the DIEP may have “upset” blood and lymph system in leg. I am now waiting for the really lovely looking stockings, and wonder if this will ever go or is it just until everything re-routes? Lovely nurse couldn’t answer that one as she hasn’t had another patient like me - lol, but I know that there is a wealth of experience and knowledge out there in cyber land with all you lovely ladies. Any ideas???

Many thanks,
Maggie xxxxxx

Hi Maggie

Please feel free to call our helpline to talk things through with one of our helpliner/nurse specialists on 0808 800 6000, the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.

Take care