Off for my scans today!

Thank goodness I haven’t had to wait long. Saw the doctor 20th feb, hospital 3rd March and today hospital for mammogram and ultrasound. I’m only 33 , didn’t think mammograms were worth while at my age?
I’ve kept myself busy up to now trying to not read too much and have felt quite positive but today I feel sick to my stomach thinking of all sorts of results. What if they need biopsy!? my fear of needles!

Hi H2O

Please feel free to call our helpliners for some further support to help you through this difficult time on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 today

Weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2

Take care
Lucy BCC

Good luck today, got fingers crossed for youx

i was referred for a mammogram, the breast clinic rang me next day with 2 appointments. had a mammogram monday and go for results next tuesday and whether i need a scan and biopsy, trying to keep calm as family history isnt good, my mum has also been referred to clinic as  well so very tense time

Oh dear, its really frustrating when you leave and things aren’t resolved. Did you have to go back in to the initial doctor after your scans as that could be a chance to ask questions or at least for them to maybe suggest possibilities. I have a similar query that can’t be answered absolutely and continued pain so I can understand your frustrations totally.