OH When will my hair come back??

I finished TAC chemo in June 2008 and at first my hair started to grow but it is still very very fine and sparse with very little hair on the crown of my head. My eyelashes are back and not too bad, but still have no eyebrows. I don’t understand it, my nails grow like anything but not my hair. I have been to a trichologist and have gunge to put on and special shampoo but nothing seems to make any difference. Is there anyone out there that can give a ray of hope for a normal head of hair again.

Hi Nonny- I do sympathise with you as I have just the same problem (see my post of Dec. 2nd re ‘long-term hair loss’.)
I wonder how old you are? I definitely think age is a factor in this coupled with the long term medication such as Arimidex

I am 63 and not on any other drugs at all. I think I am destined to be a baldy!

There is a lady on here who has posted a lot about permanent loss of hair and her efforts to try and do something about it. I know she lives in France, but can’t for the moment think of her name, but I’m sure someone else will come on and give you the link.

Hi,I think it is pineapple your thinking of Redders.Nonny if you put her name into the search thingy I think her posts will come up :slight_smile:
Also I still have no eyebrows nearly 2 years after chemo…
best wishes Mel xx

Just bumped a thread up…Its called “still BALD two years after taxotere”… Hope it helps

love mel xx