My mum as I type this is having a mastectomy, since being diagnosed with grade 3 bc two weeks ago. We have been told one node is affected and will have the results in a couple of weeks.
My mum is a fit and healthy 69yr old and I am just so worried if she has to have chemo how she will manage.
If anyone out there is of a similar age and can share their stories and experiences of treatment I would be so grateful
I am sorry to hear you are going through this difficult time. I am sure some of users will be around soon to share their stories and offer some support.
In the meantime if you would like to talk you can call our support line at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about your concerns for your mum and offer a friendly ear.
I am 65 and had a mestectomy in May and sentinel nodes removed. Luckily for me the results when they came back were okay and I didn’t have to have chemo, was preparing myself for the fact that I would have to. Had it all worked out in my own mind how I would cope. Make sure your Mum does the exercises that the hospital should have told her about, only do the ones they prescribe and not to overdo it, it doesn’t get any easier any quicker if you do more than they say. I am still doing mine 7months on as it seems part of my normal routine. I was put on Letrozole for 5 years, this does have its side effects but with the help of my GP I am managing them. I am back to playing golf and gardening. I am sure your Mum is being positive and with you supporting her I wish her all the luck in the world. xx
Thank you so much your message. It’s been just over a week since her op and she is doing well and she is making sure she does her exercises however I shall prompt her to keep doing them and build them into her daily routine like you suggest.
We get her results a week today as to what treatment she is going to need, I find all this waiting such an anxious time!
Wishing you all the best too and so good to hear following your diagnosis you are back to doing some of the things you enjoy. Take care xx
just saw your message and thought I would tell you about me. I am 60 yrs old and was diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer in July and had a hysterectomy and omnectomy cutting straight through my stimach muscles. So still recovering when a lump was found in my breast middle of September. I had a masectomy and lymph node removal in October. I was borderline chemo and they sent off for an oncotype dx report which came back at 33 so I needed chemo and radiotherapy. I had my first FEC on 23 December and apart from a few days of feeling foggy have had no side effects. I am on day 7 today and apart from not having loads of energy can do normal things and have been out for an Indian tonight. All I would say is people are different and not everybody has horrendous side effects. Tell your mum to just stay positive and take each day at a time it is doable honestly
I agree Lynne - wouldn’t want to out anyone off chemo. I think my mum was the exception rather than the rule and despite her reaction she’ll do it again if she needs to.
Thank you all for your comments it is so helpful and reassuring, at times I feel that we are the only ones going through this horrendous time so it’s comforting to know that we aren’t alone. Wishing you and your mums all the best xxx