older women

This is my 1st posting ,not sure how to do it but here goes, Is there enyone out there who is,or has relitive over 70?i have had mx lypm node clerance,starting chemo next week,has enyone my age been though this and did it help?ifeel as if im on my own with this ,dispite having a brill family and freinds.would be grateful if someone could help DCat

Hi Dcat not in your age bracket but this whole BC thing is rotten what ever age you are. Hope there will be a few mature ladies who will post you soon. All I would say is be kind to yourself and accept ( and ask for ) all offers of help from family and friends. Sometimes when our loved ones don’t know what to say they offer practical support. Take it.Hope all goes well for you with chemo.There is a thread called something like chemotherapy top tips to help you, if you put those words into the search box it should pop up it is very helpful.Has others will say chemo is not nice but doable and there are meds to help with side effects. Best wishes Jackie
Dcat,Perhaps one of the mods could move this into another topic heading were it might be seen more easily. J

Hi dcat im with libby on age but that doesnt matter its gud 2 talk with women who have bc and understand how your feeling i had mx on thurs doin ok finished chomo 18th aug you will be ok any problems ru just want a moan and groan your in the right place take care

Hello DCat

I’m just 62 , if that helps, a bit nearer the 70 than most on here I know, I think being post menapausal to start with , ie before the breast cancer diagnosed is a significant difference in how all the treatment affects us, and the treatment plan given too.

In later life our social and family circumstances can be quite different too - ranging from exceedingly busy caring for young children - grandchildren, several days a week so own children can work etc or the other extreme, being alone with family and friends “gone” one way or another - (alone is different to being lonely ) , loneliness can be a factor too for some .

Anyhow if I can give a perspective from someone in their 60s happy to do so . I had diag in Jan 2010, 3 months Femara , then op (WLE and SNB) , then chemo with only one treatment to go, having rads (radiotherapy for 4 weeks in Oct / Nov time). Then - FINISHED BY CHRISTMAS ! except for 4 years of Femara but I was OK on that , fingers crossed.

So looking forward to New Year but know NY Eve will be tearful, mixed emotions. I’m off to Pembrokshire for a holiday now in my 'good " week before last chemo, so may be out of reach of computer for a few days. Look forward to your postings, fire away with any questions. Hope your treatment goes well. (PS I have been using cold cap and kept a covering of hair which I find has helped me , but I also bought a wig early on while able to get out and about easily and get advice while they could still see my normal hair colour and style. Go for it if you fancy a new look but I wanted to stay the same. Boring !!! Having the wig by my side was a comfort, I havnt used it yet although wont go out without a hat (lots in shops now, I favoured the beret look ) as hair thin especially on top.

Another thought - but remember that the chemo affects everyone differently so this may not happen to you = but I dont feel safe driving for at least 2 weeks after each chemo treatment. Its easy to think you are OK and i do sometimes drive down to the village centre, but any farther than that and my concentration goes however hard I try. so have been firm with myself and only drive out of village on the 3rd week and only if i have to. Better to be safe. and the bus pass is great !! will be using it every day for 4 weeks while having radiotherapy in next town. Kirsty.

Good luck.

Hi Dcat,

I am 73. I was diagnosed at 71. I had mastectomy and node removal followed by 6 sessions of Taxotere, 15 lots of rads and a year on Herceptin. I finished my treatment in July and my scans are clear. If I can do it so can you.

Do you mean did the chemo help? I presume that your oncologist has worked out percentages with you. That being the case you would not be being offered chemo if he/she did not think it would help.

I have to say that I was amazed at how few older people were being treated when I was at the hospital. So many young women with young children and babies and I felt quite humble that I did not have those responsibilities and worries.

Chemo is not easy, few people get through it without side effects but it does depend what you are having.

This is the place to get help. Even when I felt very ill I came on the forum and there was always someone with good advice to help me.

Do phone the helpline here if you want to talk to someone more on the medical side.


I am 66 and was dx at 62.I found chemo very hard but,unusually for someone my age I am triple negative so chemo was my best option.Statistically chemo increased my 10yr survival prognosis by about 7%.
My aunt was dx at 75.She wasn’t offered chemo because of her age,this was in 2004[her dx].She died 2 years later.Who can say whether chemo would have helped.My advice would always be to take whatever you are offered-you can always stop if it becomes too much for you.
Good Luck

My auntie is 83 she’s my mum’s sister, she was dx last year, she kept it to herself for at least 10 yrs, my mum kept saying she had this awful smell about her even though she showered everyday, she was poorly one day so the dr came my mum was there and my auntie showed the dr her chest and she was gutted because she had no idea or my mum how bad she was,she was covered in tumours and open flesh and thats why she had this smell, she is under the hospital now and has a nurse in everyday to body wrap her, she’s on tablets but on her last visit and photo’s they have decided to change her medication because they are getting bad again and she goes back on the 15th dec and they might start her on radiotheraphy,she use to be a 14/16 she probably a 6/8 now.
When my auntie was dx my mum had just been dx with lung cancer, it was very hard for all of us and when i had my scare in may i only told my hubby and son,i still have my doubts but i will keep checking and anymore changes etc i will be straight back.
It’s an awful disease cancer what ever form , it’s already taken my dad he had lung cancer 15 yrs ago, this forum has helped me loads and the lovely support from those who themselves are going through there own treatments etc have been wonderful.
Thankyou so much Kim xx

Just to say I have left a private message for you, Daisycat

I am new to this site and wished I’d have thought to look for it sooner… as its good to talk.

Well I’m 60 now, but was diagnosed 4 years ago with stage III invasive duct carc managed a lumpectomy, so had chemo and then radiotherapy, it was hard going, but worth it in the end.

I would take everything they offer you, its hard but after all your treatment you will start to feel great.

My only problem is now I’ve been offered a right mastopexy and a left reduction and all my family think leave well alone it might come back if you mess with it. Also, you’re 60 now it doesn’t matter, I know only I can make this decision, but would love anyone who can offer me their experiences and if they thought it was a good option to take, or leave well alone.


Bumping this up (help! hope thats the right expression and thing to do !) - as no replies to Sarnie’s post.


Hi everyone I am aged 60 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2010. Have finished chemo in Sept 10 and completed radiotherapy end Oct 10. I still have some upsetting side effects/symptoms : feeling nauseous towards end of day and vomiting every 2 or three days, also painful feet which make it difficult to walk. Anyone else who has this who can tell me if its “normalish”?

posted on behalf of new user Jean

Dear Ann,
Yes, I had painful feet while taking something called decotaxol (I’m not sure if that spelling is correct)for three chemotherapy sessions. I had skin peeling from my little toes and large red marks on both heels and I couldn’t wear my normal shoes. I am glad to tell you that that has all long since passed and started to subside as soon as I had stopped taking this treatment. I also experienced quite a bit of muscle pain with this particular drug and this took several months to subside. However,I had nausea and fatigue through all six sessions of chemotherapy and a very unpleasant sensation as though I was being slowly poisoned. These side effects subsided gradually in the months folowing the end of chemotherapy treatment.
