
I live in Oldham and had surgery/chemo at Royal Oldham, now having radiotherapy at Christies. Is there anyone local I could talk to? I am 36 and have a 10 year old daughter.

I have posted this on behalf of new user Bev.

Regards Sam (BCC Facilitator)

hi, im from huddersfield my names bev i fin my chemo last wed and begin radiation on 6th mar at jimmys in leeds, my daughter is 20, my cancer shock was alot worse when i felt the pain for my daughter too no doubt it was the same for you, how was ur chemo,


I live in Ashton not far from you!

Send me a private message and we can chat?

J xx

i’ve just joined the forum was diagnosed in april so very new to all this - i’m 35 and live in rochdale (unfortunately) and have an 11yr old son, looking to chat with people who can share their experiences as ‘young’ women with breast cancer. Before all this i was starting to feel middle-aged so it is quite odd to keep being told i’m sooo young!

Hi There Pixielox - I live in Littleborough, am 55 years old with husband, daughter and twin grand-daughters. Am about half way through Chemo at Christie’s then will be having surgery and radiotherapy. I’m not exactly ‘young’, but hopefully young at heart. More than happy to exchange experiences, etc.

Hi I live in Newhey which is near Rochdale and Oldham. I finished treatment in July 2008. I am happy to chat meet up or whatever. love Eileen

hi starflower i live in oldham and was dx 13 years ago when my daughter was 12 weeks old if i can be of any help just let me know

hi im new to the forum i live in rochdale and im 54yrs old i was diagnosed with bc in march this year and had a mastectommy im still confused in a lot of ways and though the bcn are ok they dont know how it feels hope to find someone to chat to

hi dirty dancing sorry that you had to join us here, i go to rochdale on a regular basis as my elderly sister lives there so if you ever wanted to have a chat over a coffee any time just give me a shout as i know what i was like when i was dx back in 1996 i felt so alienated and alone

hi lucyloo thanks for getting back to me and yes maybe we could meet up for a drink sometime its nice to chat to someone who has been through the same ive just had my 3mth check up and felt very rushed and had no time to ask any questions so that didnt help so talking to others helps thanks

Hi dirty dancing love the name by the way my fav film,
i usually go to Rochdale about every 2 to 3 week so if you want to meet up just tell me where and when and i will work around that town centre would be best for me as i come into Rochdale by bus,