Can anyone think of something appropriate to say when the umpteenth person says to you “let’s face it you could go out and be hit by a bus tomorrow” As I have once said before. NO !! I will not be hit by a bus I am very careful around buses and give 'em a very wide berth, especially more since dx with bc as I am constantly told of the dangers of buses and of the likelihood of being hit by one. lol Love to all Eileen
I cant think of anything appropriate only un-appropriate, how about we all tell you the funny un-appropriate comments to help cheer you up (pity there is no swearing allowed on here), ha ha.
Getting hit by buses, cars etc etc is a bit more under our control (most of the time), that getting this nasty bc!!!
I live in the country and thanks to B Liar and his team, not to mention the council, we no longer have funding for buses so I would have to throw myself under the school bus as it stops outside our house at 08:00 and 15:40 each day and I suppose if I survived the event then I’d be up in court for having scared the little, and not so little, kiddies on board.
I am more likely to get hit by a tractor but no one has ever mentioned this danger to me.
I must say that in the scheme of things, over the past several months, I feel that neighbours, friend and colleagues are in more danger than me, in fact FROM me, due to the well meant comments, and prying questions - I really feel that it’s time some people were given a good smack on the mouth.
Sorry, I digressed from buses … I fell off my bike the other day!
Best and funniest response I got was while in hospital after my mastectomy, pen friend phoned me from New Zealand and said “does this mean you are now a one tit wonder?” They do say laughter is the best medicine!!! LOL
I think I’d have killed anyone who said such a thing to me, still would. Just goes to show, as if we didn’t know, how we all cope and respond so very very differently.
Glad your perspective is lighter than mine.
Sorry Hope I didn’t offend anyone!
I agree humour is needed, it helped me through chemo!
Staying on the humour side and I hope you find this funny - I was telling my friend in France about my reconstruction and how it jumps when I cough or sneeze.I said I could go on the stage and she said you could get 3 others and have a group and call yourself “The Tits”. I must say I laughed out loud and it cheered me up.
I have certainly kept my sense of humour all the way through but when first diagnosed quite a few said "you’ll be okay " “everything will work out okay” how do they know ???
Brenda xxx
Hm Brenda, did they also foretell the archiving of this thread when it’s only 4 days old??!!
There’s something odd going on where threads are being archived cos they haven’t been accessed for short periods of time or because the topic isn’t to everyone’s taste or we use the site to discuss a “taboo” - the only really safe place we can do it and then get CLOSED as if a council health inspector has come along and found cockroaches!
Hi you are still up ! Made me laugh and i have liver mets as an ex nurse I find my ‘black’ sense of humour shocks people but when its got to this stage laughing keeps me going but it offends some but h…! its my cancer… suppose …'not dead yet '… is not always the appropriate response to ‘how are you’ but how can you keep on making up appropriate replies! Actually I am doing very well on a new trial since May
keep laughing Jan
Since I was diagnosed in November everyone keeps telling me how well I look and that I’d be okay you’re right how do they know? I’ve always had a good sense of humour and rather a ‘black’ humour as well.
My friend from Spain emailed me the other day and said she was coming back to gloomy old England for a short visit and asked if I wanted to buy any ciggies!!! I responded by saying wasn’t trying to recover from BC enough for me without trying to kill me off with smoking - ha ha (sorry hope I ain’t offended anyone).
Last week I met a couple of work colleagues for lunch and they were surprised at how well I looked and that I was actually laughing!!! Well, I’ve got a 12 year old girl, husband and dog to think about so the last thing I want to do is go around crying (I shed hundreds of tears when diagnosed). I may look well, still enjoying my food and wine, putting on my make-up and having a laugh but inside my heart breaks…
But you’re right, I do find the ‘being hit by a bus’ a bit wearing at times.
Keep the laughter flowing
hey milli i’m a november diagnosis too - i’ll have the friend’s cigs!! i refuse to change… just yet - tho the cigs have to go at some point.
there is a lot in this road that i have found amusing… from the ‘nipple caps’ for the MRI (no tassels…) actually being codliver oil capsules to my partner HAVING to peer at breasts while i was having prosthetic sorted…
I try to remind myself that people are trying to being reassuring when they do the bus bit or say i look well (yah with no eyebrows…zits and spare tyre from insatiable eating post steroids).
most of all i get the comment that given stuff that has happened to me in the past they know i will be able to ‘cope’ with this. hmm it isn’t like my partner dying, the plumbing prob or the house fire… or … it’s me physically under attack and instead of saying yes, i probably can cope but some support would be probably be good… i just go yah right and back off… it’s easier sometimes.
my kids are 19 and 21 and at uni - lovely when they are home but are moving on in their lives - as they should do.
never let your heart break - there is an old maxim - ‘without hope the heart would break’. I’ve tried to keep hope since my partner died and it’s worked so far - ummmmmmmmmm mostly. My sis also deals with BC, same one i have - invasive lobular, diagnosed a year before me. At the time i can remember saying, it should have been me not have her because she had had other health issues - now i think i should be careful what i wish for! The monkey’s paw situation.
i think laughing at what we fear brings everything down to size.
take care guys
Jennifer x
‘I’ve seen the bus coming and its not going to stop.’
Hi ladies,
This thread has made me laugh this morning, the day befor my chemo starts,and after a not very good night’s sleep…so.thankyou for all the humorous comments about buses,etc.
i am trying to develop a sense of humour, but it seems to have escaped me for awhile with the anxiety about the chemo and coping with the hair loss to come soon.
It’s hard to keep a brave face on it for everyone, all the time,when as you say, Milli, your heart is breaking inside!
I will try, though, because it will help me through. I’m getting some comedy films lined up ready for my “low” days.
love and hugs to you all,
While trying to decide whether to have a risk reducing double mastectomy, so many people warned me about the danger of buses.
I feel sorry for all these bus drivers who are accused of trying to run everyone over they see walking.
how many people actually do get run over by a bus?
My OH has been a Police Officer for 25 years, 18 in traffic, and has never dealt with one!
always has 2 b 1 dunt there, but hey guys the buses around my town av turned 2 yellow ones n blue ones. wat happened 2 the traditional red ones? lol x x
When I was diagnosed I went to my mums for a family meal and my brothers girlfriend obviously was struggling with what to say and came out with ‘my friend died of breast cancer last year but it was worse than yours’. Me and my mum couldn’t believe it but then couldn’t stop laughing after she went!!!
When I was in hospital the day after my mastectomy there was a Mrs Bucket on our ward as a patient and was preaching to us all and I said to a nurse ‘she is gettin right on my tit!!!’ she fell around laughing and had to leave the ward. That is now my one liner if someone annoys me ‘your getting on my tit!!!’.
I went into work this morning and people were asking how I was and I said ‘great’. People were saying ‘your hairs growing’ - do they think that coz you have had a tit chopped off that your hair stops growing!!!
I love it. This thread is brill