Hi ladies
I am due to have my fourth Herceptin tomorrow and am concerned that periodically I am feeling a bit doolally/away with the fairies. I seem to have difficulty concentrating and am not sure that I am safe to cross the road alone! Has anyone else felt like this? (A little bit like ‘chemo brain’.) Starting to panic a little bit now…Will ask the nurse who does my treatment (at home) tomorrow if this is usual, but thought that you are really the experts!
Scaredsam (Great name)
I too feel away with the mixer regularly. I was not sure if due to herceptin, femara or just the whole delightful experience.
What other treatment are you on? julie x
Hi Scaredsam!
Agree with Juliet great name.
I haved just had my 8th herceptin and not long after feel groggy, not quite w
th it (some woujld say no change there!) and my concentration span is
So I can honestly say you are not alone!
Thanks ladies!
(Scaredsam was my name when I was first diagnosed, don’t feel so much that way now but don’t feel inclined to change my name!)
I have had chemo, a mastectomy and radiotherapy - hopefully Herceptin is the last stage of my journey. Who knows…?! Am not on any other treatment, though could do with a donation of marbles as seem to have lost some of mine!
When you read about the side effects of Herceptin it doesn’t mention this, so thank goodness you recognise it is a side effect.
Think “they” should have a special page under the side effects section for those of us on the receiving end to list our experiences, as there is a lot of comfort in knowing that what you are feeling is ‘normal’ (whatever ‘normal’ is!) and that you don’t need to check in at the ‘scatty’ clinic!
How long do you have it over,mine is over half an hour and I feel fine,but a lady I know had to go back to having it over an hour and a half as she felt unwell
I have my Herceptin drip over an hour and an half - they say that you are less likely to get headaches that way. My feelings of being ditsy do not occur then, they can be anytime afterwards, e.g. I felt like it yesterday and am due for my next (3 weekly) treatment today.
Funny you should mention that. I had my 4th herceptin on Thursday. Today (tuesday) I felt too tired to go to work. I general yukky feeling. Anyway, I set about making some soup, only to find myself adding washing up liquid to the bowl when I was washing the spinach! I also keep finding things in strange places. I assume it is because I haven’t been using my brain enough.
Lorna x
i got my app for herceptin today i start on the 8 sept i have to have a port line put in my chest as my veins are very bad,
i had a pick line for 5months during chemo,but they said this is better and you dont know its there after a while has
anyone had one and how did they get on with it
sandra x
hi scaredsam
like you i have had chemo masectomy and radiotherapy i start herceptin 8sept i am also on tamoxefen,spoke to my breastcare nurse and mentioned the comments ive read on here about ladies feeling scatty and away with the faries
and she said she hasnt come across anyone feeling like that but reading these comments it seems quite common,all
she told me about was possibly a runny nose.
sandra x
Hi Focus
I have a portacath (if that’s the same thing as the port line you mentioned) I’ve had mast & chemo. I had my port put in before I started chemo as the nurses said no way my veins would make it through chemo & herceptin. I have to say it has been brilliant. I put emla (numbing) cream over the site before I attend for treatment and I don’t even feel it when they attach the needle. when they take the needle away it just sits like a small bump under my skin beside my bra strap, no-one would ever know it’s there and you can swim, shower etc and basically carry on life as normal. I’ve only had 2 herceptin infusions and both have been with chemo my next one will be the first on it’s own so can’t comment on feeling scatty but as I’m like that anyway I’m not sure anyone would notice any difference (including me!!)
Good luck ladies
hi eal69eal
it doesnt sound to bad the cream is a good idea,i think they are going to fit mine a week before the heceptin starts to give it time to settle down,what was it like having it put in thet havent said much about that,how are you doing hope your well
sandra x