On Taxotere - Breast Pain

Hi everyone

Was diagnosed in April this year and had mastectomy and complete lymph node removal.

I am currently on chemo and have my last Taxotere tomorrow (3 x FEC and 3 x Taxotere. For the last 4 weeks, I have experienced pain in my other breast and, as you can imagine, am convinced the cancer has returned. I have had a portacath fitted back in June and my family is convinced that the pain is from the portacath but I’m not so sure. I had a feel last night but can’t feel any lumps but am so worried.

Has anyone else experienced breast pain whilst on Taxotere? My mastectomy scar is also sore.

I will call my breast care nurse but am afraid of what she will say.


Hi diglett,

I discovered a large cyst in my good breast which grew while I was on taxotere, certainly couldn’t feel it before then. It couldn’t be felt once I’d finished either though obviously it is still there. I was amazed that a cyst could grow while I was having chemo and was so worried. Onc ordered an ultrasound which proved lump was a cyst.


Thanks Mabel

I will call my breast care nurse soon. I just hope that each morning I’ll wake up and the pain will be gone.

I can’t imagine that it would grow in the other breast so soon and whilst on chemo but you never know do you?!

Glad yours was just a cyst.

Thanks for replying,
