On the radio again...

As some of you know, I’ve been talking to BBC Surrey and BBC Sussex during the course of this year, and I’ve been on the radio again today. The link is bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/p00lxng9 from about 1:47.30 if you want to have a listen. PM me if you want to have a look.


I have just listened to this, Choccie, thanks, you done us all proud.
It was really good, and I think your interviewer did well, bless him, because of his experience with his mum. He say “what a nice shaped head you have” as I expected! (And you do, I’m sure)

It was great, Chocciemuffin. But can I get that calendar without joining Facebook? Is there this long link for non-Facebookers?


Zeppa, I have sent you a PM with the link.

Ooops, sorry, I meant to write “he DIDN’T say” you had a lovely shaped head.

What a star!

I have just listened to this - and just bought the calendar!

Yes, I bought two calendars, one for me and another for the leader of the women’s cancer self-help group here in Nuremberg. It’s great and makes you feel good.
