What happens at the first oncologist appt and how soon does treatment begin? I’ll need chemo and radiotherapy thank you!
Hi @stafford22
Your first appointment may be a bit overwhelming, a lot of information will be thrown at you. I had about 10 pages of chemo side effects printed and given to me to read along with consent forms, you have to sign that you agree to have chemo. If you have any questions, write them down as you go! Because there’s so much to take in, you might forget to ask. Don’t feel bad about taking your time as well, if you have a good oncologist they will go through anything you need them to. I also had routine bloods taken to get baseline readings at my first appointment.
The wait for chemo was 3 weeks at my hospital. Hopefully you won’t have to wait long at all.
Hope you’re doing as well as you can for the moment, I wish you all the best
I had similar experience to @Yasmeink at my oncology appointment yesterday. Lots of discussion pros and cons. I was given data from the predict tool which helped convince me that chemotherapy is a good idea. Lots of paper work and forms to sign but reassured and given the opportunity to ask questions throughout and I was reminded that even though I’ve given consent I can pause at any time. I was quite emotional about the whole thing but felt very supported. I also had bloods taken and assuming all surgery scars are healed I will have first round in 2 weeks. Best of luck. Fx
As well as the above, your onc consultant should take you through the figures so you can understand why your chemo and any medicinal (eg hormones) treatment plan has been created.
TBH the side effects were gone through in more detail (and how to manage them) when I visited the chemo ward ahead of my first one.
I think it was about 2 weeks from seeing the onc. consultant to starting chemo.
I had a separate appointment with another consultant after chemo for radiotherapy. She told me about my rads plan. I think the planning/measurement session was a few days later and my 15 sessions started the Monday after that.
Both onc appointments went at my pace with me being able so ask any Qs as I thought of them. I’m repeat what I’m told as a question to check my understanding type of person so I was talking loads before any actual questions.
The waiting for treatment is the worst bit - fear of the unknown.
Best of luck x
I was advised by a GP friend to record all my appointments on my phone. I always asked permission first , never been refused, and it was such a help afterwards as there’s so much to take in. My chemo started about 4 weeks after my oncology appointment.My best wishes to you going forward with your treatment.
Thank you everyone for replying and for all of the great info. I will record the conversation thanks for the tip. I’m keen to get started now. I’m nearly 6 weeks post op so I’m hoping I’ll start in the next couple of weeks x