oncologist today

Hi everybody, not been on recently. Had second op to remove pre-cancer cells and Specialist said all cancer cells have been removed.

Off to see Oncologist for the first time today at Burton. Really nervous (like everyone else is). I fully expect to have to have chemo and def radiotherapy then tamoxofen.

Just the thought of actually going into that cancer unit is bad enough. We have been to the holspital loads over the past 18 months and I alway looked at the patients waiting in the cancer area and my heart always went out to them. Now … I am oneof them!!!

Will let you know how it goes.

Hi to Mary and Jo and anyone else who has been kind enough to reply to me in the past
Mommyw (Pauline)

Hi mommyw just wanted to say good luck for today

Take Care

Leslee x

crossing everything for you Pauline…mary x