

Oncolyn Hi
My Canadian cousin has recommended Oncolyn to boost the immune system and has offered to bring me supplies over. Does anyone know anything about this - I have never heard of it before.

Posting this on Secondaries site too


Hello Blondie : this is the best description I could find -


Less than a decade old, Oncolyn is an extract of edible plants containing 10+ ingredients combined with powerful antioxidants which have had documented success in treating cancer. This patented formula was created primarily by internationally known physician, Dr. Arthur D’Jang M.D. Ph.D. M.Ph. working in coordination with a team of physicians and scientists from various countries. Excessive free radicals cause cell injury and DNA damage, both of which are associated with the development of disease. Oncolyn targets free radicals and is a proven immune system enhancing supplement. Both approaches help regulating the body’s physiology, enabling it to repair, regenerate and restore normal cell functions.

It is not helpful in that nowhere can I find any information as to WHICH edible plants and “powerful antioxidants” are included. For that reason, personally I would be a little hesitant about taking it.

There are lots of these compounds around (Essiac is one of them). They seem to work for some people and not for others.

People are so anxious to help, and it is always so hard to know what to say or do without offending. Perhaps you could ask your cousin to find out about the contents?

have asked Thanks Phoebe

I have emailed my cousin and I will let you know what I find out.
