Oncotype score 21

Hello everyone, this is my first post so sorry if I miss anything out. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March. I have had surgery wide local excision which removed all the cancer with clear margins. The diagnosis was 25mm ER/PR positive, HER2 negative no lymph node involvement. My Oncotype score was 21 so I assumed no chemo, however my nurse has called to say that they want to discuss at next MDT meeting this Friday so can’t rule out chemo at the moment. I am 51 years old - no idea if I am pre/post menopause as have been on the mini pill for years so no periods for forever. I just assumed unless the score was over 25 then chemo for a definite no. Has anyone else been in this situation and was told that chemo was recommended? Thanks x

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I was a 23 but under 50 so chemo was a definite. I don’t know why they’re thinking about it except perhaps for you being possible still premenopausal. Did you happen to have LVI? That might be another reason they are considering it.

Hi Kay, sorry if it’s dense. What is LVI? X

Lymphovascular invasion. It’s when cancer cells are found in the lymph and blood vessels around the tumors.

Thank you - no I haven’t been told this. I suppose I will know by Friday. You would think I would be used to the waiting game by now!

Hi @ronnies - I am also ER/PR positive, HER2 negative; my oncotype score was 22; just one above yours. Onc strongly recommended chemo as I had more than 3 lymph nodes involved but I declined chemo. Similar to your view, I thought chemo is recommended if the score was over 25. So I only had radiation treatments (15 regular and 5 boosts). I am now taking letrozole for 10 year (hate the hot flashes); abemaciclib for 2 years; (horrible side effects) zoledronic acid every 6 months for next 3 years. Good luck to you on whatever route/decision you choose. Keep us posted! Hugs.

Hi. I had exactly the same situation! Onco was 21 and was told I needed chemo by the breast care nurse when she rang with my results. I’m 43. I spent all of Christmas being anxious about chemo and wondering how I’d cope but when I saw the oncologist he told me I needed endocrine therapy and that I didn’t necessarily need chemo. I so wish that they told us information that was a definite plan and not juts what they think may happen. I’ve had surgery, radiotherapy and currently on exemestane and zolodox injections and trying to count my blessings but it’s all tough and we all relate so sending lots of love and strength xx

Thank you so much for sharing. Only a couple of days now until I find out. I am hopeful as I’m over 50 it will be radio only. Fingers crossed x

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I am hopeful it’s just radio. Waiting for results has taken over my life and I am struggling with emotions this week. If I don’t count tomorrow or Friday it’s only one day to wait! Haha

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@ronnies good luck

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I was told if between 20 and 25 was discussion about having Chemotherapy. Mine was 11. I an only on Letrozole.

Hey there. Can I ask how old you are? X


My onco score came back at eleven so radiotherapy, bone tablets and letrozole for me, I
I am 59 now was 58 when diagnosed last year.


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Have a small update. My case was discussed at MDT yesterday and they want me to speak to the oncologist to discuss the ‘small’ benefit that chemotherapy will offer. I will now wait for an appointment with them.


I am 57

The oncotype will give a % benefit for chemo .
Mine was 1% .
was told unless score is 26 or over , post meno ( 2cm grade 2, no nodes and clear margins ), no chemo .
My oncotype was 18.
It’s risk v benefits, risk of chemo and its side effects.
I had 5 radio and Anastrazole . I’m 56.

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@ronnies. Keep us posted after you have spoken with the onc. Thinking of you.

Hi I was diagnosed 27th March with
Pre onka test I was told radio would be a definite, but my onka came back as 30 I’m post menopausal at 50, it was advised that I had chemo as a preventative, I took a week to weigh everything up and decided to go for paclitaxel/ EC weekly and radiotherapy, I’m 3 weeks in now cold capping and doing ok but tired today as my treatment day, I’m sure what decision you make will be the right one for you good luck :crossed_fingers: xx

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Hey and thanks so much for replying. I heard last week I am to have chemo. 6 cycles in total 3 of EC and 3 of Docetexal then radiotherapy after that. I start on Friday 19th - I’m a little nervous but am being pro active and have had my eyebrows tattooed today in case I lose them. Good luck with the rest of your journey and sending you all the well wishes in the world x


Oh that’s a good treatment plan brilliant, I’m having 12 paclitaxel hoping I get to 9 at least and 4 rounds of EC then 3 weeks of radiotherapy :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved: exhausting lol so you should breeze through yours and yeah I wanted my eyebrows doing but didn’t give myself enough time and I needed to start my treatment so I invested in transfer eyebrows they are fab but up to now fingers :crossed_fingers: I haven’t had to use them yet. You will be fine the chemo nurses are amazing and you will become good friends are you cold capping? I truly wish you all the best and listen to your body rest when you need to and never refuse support I feel lucky I have my tired day today and tomorrow then I’m okish take care lovely and if you need any further chats just shout out we are all going through such a strange time. Xx