Oncotype score of 30

Hi, today I have been told that my on oncotype score is 30. This is my 2nd dg of BC. First 3 years ago. Grade 3 , no lymph node spread but hormone and he2 positive. Had WLE, 6 months chemo, radio , herceptin. This time (other breast) mixture if lubulor and ductal- 2 tumours (both under 2cm) , grade 3 no lymph spread. They have referred me to the oncologist with a view to chemo. Just wondered if anyone had been in this position and what decisions/ questions they asked to inform their decision re chemo or not? Many thanks .

Hi 123Lab

I’m sorry you haven’t receieved a response yet. If you’ve still got questions you’d like to discuss I recommend contacting our helpline. Details can be found here:


They will be able to talk you through any questions you might have.