Finally the day of my op is coming. It has been almost two months since
I felt the tumors in my breast and almost three weeks since I Had confirmation that it was cancer. I am relieved that I will finally have the whole picture and a treatment plan but I am definitely not looking forward to chemo. My doctor say I am very likely going to need chemo because of my age. Any of you ladies had a invasive ducal, grade II carcinoma, positive for estrogen and progesterone can give me an idea of what is ahead for me. As added information, I am 38, have two babies and no intention of having more kids.
I am 30, was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. My tumor was grade 3, ER and PR positive, her2 negative. I had a lumpectomy and sentinal node dissection ( I had clear margins and no node invovlement). I am going to be doing 4 cycles of TC chemo, followed by 6 weeks of radiation and 5 years of taxmoxifen.
I’m considerably older than you (63) and was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma on November 1st 2012. I had a mastectomy and sentinal node biopsy on December 12th 2012. Tumour was 3cm and grade 3, Strongly oestrogen and progesterone positive. I had 3 lymph nodes removed, one with cancer in it. I also had vascular invasion. I started chemo (FEC-T) on 5th February 2013. I didn’t find chemo at all difficult - well, nowhere near as difficult as I thought it would be. I was never sick, didn’t even feel nauseous. But they kept giving me anti sickness tablets anyway. I could start my own chemist shop. You will have a blood test before your treament starts, and a couple of days before each treatment after that you will have a blood test and an appointment with your oncologist. This is to tell him/her of any side effects you had, so they can give you drugs to deal with it. You will feel tired - most of the time, so accept any offers of help, or even ask for help if you need it - especially with two babies.
This link contains a lot of hints and tips for chemo:
and this one is where the monthly chemotherapy threads are:
These are where those of us undergoing chemo join the latest group (I am a February Valentine 2013) for mutual support, help and advice during treatment.
Sending you big hugs, best wishes for your surgery, and beyond.
poemsgalore xx