Hi all
New to this, and after a month am just getting my head around it. Went for 3 yearly screening late Nov. and recalled 2 Dec, when ultrasound doc told me she was ‘almost sure’ I had BC even before biopsy. I still can’t feel anything, but the following week it was confirmed, lobular on left about 5 inches under armpit, 1.5 cm was mentioned. GP later told me it was very est. responsive. Radiographer then said since result she had closer look at mammograms and said she thought there may be another spot on right 12 o’clock, and proceeded to biopsy this - very small so took 9 goes. Then she recommended MRI which showed another tiny spot on right again, but since then they’ve been unable to see it clearly enough to biopsy. (I call them daisies, in a poor attempt at humour) Both she and BCN said if it was them they’d go for double mastectomy with reconstruction, and I’ve appointment for sentinel node biopsy last week in Jan with big first week in Feb with surgeon and plastic surgeon together. Was advised there’s always a delay trying to get two together.
I know so little about this. I have a multitude of female relatives and we just don’t get this (dementia was my genetic fate). I just wondered if anyone here has been in a similar situation, I feel that OK there are two - but one at 1.5 and other being tiny, and 3rd one may or may not be positive, and I’d have to travel far to pursue that one and probably delay any surgery. I’ve only started reading about it, as I was just to scared before. I’m just worried I’m being recommended something and accepting an awfully big operation, for two, maybe 3 small spots. I suppose it is the fact of there being more than one, and if that saves me fretting for the rest of my days then I guess that’s good. I have a close friend who’s been through mast. and recon. but her case is very different.
Also is there always such a delay - I almost went for immediate mast. which I could have had already, but was advised by radiographer and surgeon that a delay of 6-8 weeks would make no difference to size. I am concerned by the time they get round to it it will be more advanced.
Think I just need some response from any others in similar or not so similar situations. I’ve been advised I’ll be given a choice of what kind of reconstruction - I find it difficult to decide what to have for dinner.
So any thoughts from you would be very appreciated.