one nipple itching

Hi I have one nipple that itches like crazy-notyhing to see just so very sensitive to touch. Think i may be starting meno as keep having late periods-now 47. A mamo on spring was ok -it was itching then . My gp doesnt seem concerned but I am worried. could thsi be a sign of bc?
Nigela x

Hi Nigela

Just a quick line to say that you should really get the nipple checked out. I had an ‘unbearably’ itchy nipple (and itchiness/stinging in the breast). My Dr sent me away 3 times over 9 months and in March this year, I was diagnoised with DCIS high grade with 4 small areas of invasive disease (found after operation). My result was good and I was told I’d had a ‘very lucky escape’. There was no lump, just the irritation in breast and nipple which later developed a hard rash around the areola.

Having just given you this frightening few lines (sorry, didn’t mean to!), the chances are that it’s absolutely nothing at all but please make sure that you know that for definate. If Dr won’t help, ask to see another - you have a right to have this checked - in my case, my persistence saved my life.

Good luck. Lots of love. Cathy